8. Talk and Walk

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"Haven," Erik approaches me in the afternoon. I'm sitting in the living room with a cuppa Earl Grey in my hand. I look at him but don't respond. There's a scattering of small bandages on his face and neck because of his and Charles's barney earlier in the day.

"Did someone tell you the news? We've got a flight to Cuba booked for tonight. Shaw's probably going to be there."

"Hank told me."

"I see," he says. I feel the couch sink under pressure as he sits down beside me. I resist the urge to distance us even further. "You're very beautiful, Haven. I'm sure you've been told that a lot."

I don't reply.

"But you're also very strong and personable, which isn't easy to find, especially among mutants. And Charles is incredibly in love with that, and everything else that defines you."

I choke. "Love is a bit strong, don't you think?"

"No, I don't think it does him justice. So I may find you attractive, yes, but there are many attractive people in this world. But there's only one person for Charles, and I'm inclined to think that that's you."

I stay silent again.

"So I thought it'd be only right to tell you that you have an easy choice, but I'm starting to see that it never was a choice for you, was it?"

"There's always a choice," I say.

"Of course, of course that's what you'd say. So diplomatic and composed. Just like Charles."

I stand up from beside him. "Would you like some tea?"

"No, thank you. I wasn't going to talk to you for very long. Oh, and we managed to get Sean to fly today."

"Without my help," I say smiling.

Erik gets up as well. He brushes imaginary lint from his trousers.

"I want you by my side, though. we could be a great team- out powers together could be unstoppable."

"Of course I'll stay by your side. We're friends, aren't we?"

Erik looks at me oddly before extending his hand to magnetically open the door. "We'll get to see tomorrow."

"Erik, what are you talking-"

"Flight leaves at 5 in the morning," he tells me, and leaves the room immediately.

I slump back down on the sofa with an exasperated huff. It seems that I get kept in the dark about a lot of things.

The tiredness from all the events suddenly settle in, and I'm hit with a wave of exhaustion. As I make my way to my room to call it an early night, I catch a glimpse of Charles outside of the house.

He's standing on the same patio where he had flung himself at Erik, hands gripping the marble railing. The knuckles on his right hand are bandaged tightly in white gauze, and the cheekbone that I can see is also covered with an assortment of small bandages.

As if he knows I'm looking at him, he turns around, blue eyes trained on me. One side of his shirt collar is turned up, just like when I first met him, and he smiles cautiously at me, like treading on ice.

I smile back.

I tuck myself into bed once I reach my room, and stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep. It's daunting- the idea of the future, what could happen tomorrow- but I find myself anticipating it. Maybe we could actually succeed. That'd be a great thing to put on my résumé, I joke to myself. Haven Ellis, mutant and saver of the world from other mutants organizing missile attacks on the world.

I fall asleep dreaming, with a small smile of my face.

(I'm sorry it's short! This one was sort of a filler- the beach is coming up soon, and I promise the next chapter will be a lot better 😊 thank you for your votes and comments and support, as always! Harles or Chaven coming up in the near future 😏)

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