9. Bruises and Beaches

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(That picture gets me every time 😳 thanks for all the support!)

"Haven, it's time to get up," I hear someone call outside my door. Alex peeks inside.

"Yeah, I'll be ready in five," I tell him. "Good morning, by the way."

"Morning," he smiles, before leaving and closing the door. I prop myself out of bed to see that it's barely light outside- the clock reads 5 in the morning. Quickly dressing myself and taking one last look at the room, just in case I don't see it ever again, should worst come to worst, I leave to see Alex waiting outside my room.

"That was speedy," he notes.

"I try."

"Moira's got the plane ready. Raven's not awake yet, but once she is, we're good to go."

"Okay," I say. Erik, Hank, and Raven aren't sitting in the living room, but my eyes land on Charles, sitting in an armchair in a sweater that reminds me of the posh boys at Oxford. He smiles at me brightly just as Raven comes in, following Erik.

"Are we good to go?" Erik asks.

"Hank," I remind him, because he isn't anywhere to be seen.

Since none of us have anywhere to go, we all head to Hank's bedroom, which is empty, and then his lab. There's a note on the door. I read it out loud.

"Gone to the airbase, bring the box marked X. Hank." I place my hand on the doorknob. "He probably went with Moira- oh, what the hell happened here?"

"Hank has been busy," Charles says.

The lab is a mess of shards of glass and papers and beakers knocked over. It's a shock to take in, but there's nothing we can really do about it.

I lead the way, consciously keeping a protective field around all of us so no one gets cut on the glass on the ground. There's a massive black box with a yellow cross on it. Charles opens it up easily.

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex asks. The box is filled with folded suits that... Aren't extremely appealing.

"Mine always makes me look like the love child of a bumble bee and a bat," Sean groans, and I stifle a laugh, remembering the windowsill incident.

"Since none of us are mutated to endure extreme G-force or being riddled by bullets-"

"I could probably do the G-force," I pipe up.

"And bullets are of no consequence to me," Erik adds, because the outfits really do match Sean's description. No one wants to wear them.

"Just suit up," Charles sighs.

A half hour later, the team of us are clad in the yellow suits at the airbase. We probably look like a ridiculous team, but I'm too preoccupied with the fact that my suit is way too tight around my chest, resulting in both a shortness of breath and excessive cleavage. I mentally cursed Hank.

"I'm sure my brother likes it, don't worry," Raven tells me as if she can read my mind. She's in her natural form, and I'm sure that Erik admires her blue boobs, but when I can't stop staring at my own chest, and I see my boobs everyday, it becomes a problem.

"They're being suffocated," I whisper-complain.

"There's a price for sexiness," she shrugs, unzipping her suit further. I groan as I try to zip mine up higher, but my bust and the lack of fabric doesn't do much. It's not even that I'm a chesty person, because I'm not. Hank just didn't take into account that Raven and I need more fabric in the front as members of the female population.

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