15. Accidental Encounters

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You guys have shown me so much support lately! I can't believe that you guys actually like this ❤️ I'm sorry I can't update more, but I will always try my hardest. Thank you, and stay awesome!

"This is a terrible idea," I say as Francesca walks out of the hotel bathroom in a pencil skirt and crop top. "Terrible."

"Come on," she whines, smiling and pulling at my arm. "Get changed, Haven! We have places to go and people to meet."

"Don't glorify it, we both know that you're talking about a bar and American boys."

"So? I heard American guys are a lot easier to get with. They're pretty attractive, too," she said, grinning and looking at her reflection in the mirror. "Please, Haven? You've been sad ever since your vacation in New York and you won't even tell me why. A couple of drinks can't hurt."

I look at her crookedly to see that she's holding one of her cocktail dresses, since I didn't bring anything of the sort. It's short and a cobalt blue with thin straps and a back that dips down, and I know, just looking at it, that it would make me look... Very single.

"No," I say immediately. The dress is blue. Charles's eyes were blue.

And I haven't seen them in so long.

"I have shoes, too," Francesca continues, digging through her suitcase to pull out two black stilettos.

"We're not the same shoe size."

"Exactly, that's why I brought a pair of yours," she grins, and throws the shoes and dress at me. "Get changed."

"This bed is awfully comfortable-"

Francesca raises my college diploma- the one Charles had gotten for me- and a cigarette lighter.

"Whoop, alright, I'm going, I'm getting dressed," I say, rushing to the bathroom.

When I come out, uncomfortably trying to pull the neckline of the dress up and the skirt of it down, Francesca has the hotel door open.

"You just threatened me with my college diploma," I groan as we sit in a cab to some club that she searched online.

"It wouldn't work on anyone but you," she grins.

We get out of the cab, giving the driver his due and I'm faced with a booming nightclub that reminds me of my high school party days, which is not something anyone should go through. It's not even 9 at night yet, and there's a girl in a bodycon dress puking all over the sidewalk.

This should be fun.

"This is..."

"Crazy," Francesca finishes for me. "I love it. Let's go!"

I allow myself to be dragged in, because she still has my diploma in her bag, and since she smokes, I don't doubt that she could fish out a lighter any time. I immediately lose her once we cross the threshold, so I make up my mind to just sit by the bar and not drink the entire night, until Francesca stumbles by me, legless and completely pissed. That's what happens most nights we have out anyways.

Only a few guys attempt to pick me up, probably because I don't look intent on having fun, and Francesca has already found an American boy to buy her multiple Long Island Ice Teas.

She's going to be very drunk in less than an hour.

I'm taking sips of my iced water and perfectly content until I see a certain tall, brown-haired boy with glasses.


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