12. Side Effects of a Romance

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My eyes peel themselves open, but recoil at the harshness of the light in front of me. There's a throbbing in my head that feels as if I decided to go to a pub while having a major migraine, and now j can't even wake up properly because of the light in front of me.


I turn the other way on my pillow, facing away from the window and the brightness. There's someone in the bed next to me, and I could recognize that chocolate mop of hair from any angle, anywhere.

Not wanting to wake him up, I prop myself up on the bed to see that it isn't really a hospital at all. It's just a room, with two beds; and the IV that is in my arm looks completely homemade.

Maybe I could pull the IV out like they do in movies. It's dangerous, though, and I'm not in a movie, so I decide against it. I instead get out of the bed and start walking with the IV drip and stand, making my way to the door after sneaking a glance at Charles. His eyes are closed, and I find myself wishing I could see that shade of blue that I had remembered in his irises.

I'm almost to the door when it suddenly pulls open, revealing Hank and Moira.

"Haven, get back in bed," he sighs as if he knew I was going to try to get up and leave the room.

"I'm not tired."

"No, you're injured and probably in shock."

"My mutation makes that pretty unlikely," I say. "What happened? What happened after I passed out?"

"Haven, please listen to Hank and get back in bed," I hear a voice behind me say. Turning around quickly, I see Charles awake in bed, his eyes still closed.

"And what's wrong with him?" I ask, indicating Charles.

"I'll tell you once you get in bed."

So I tread back to bed. The wheels on the IV rack squeak behind me rhythmically.

I watch as Hank helps Charles up into a sitting position. What's so bad that he can't even sit up on his own?

My question is answered when Hank and Moira pick Charles up and place him into a wheelchair. His legs dangle limply.

He's paralyzed.

And the memories start to clear up, as I draw conclusions that tie up the situations. "I did that, didn't I?"

Neither Moira not Hank reply.

"Didn't I?" I demand quietly.

"Haven, please," Charles says, looking straight at me.

"Didn't I?" I repeat one more time, almost at a whisper, and he shakes his head fervently.

"It's not your fault."


"It's not your fault. It's Erik's."

I stay quiet for a slow second before speaking again. "Hank?"

"Yeah, Haven?"

"Can I go rest in my room, please?"

"Of course," he nods. The makeshift hospital is just another room in Charles's mansion- probably because it'd be dangerous to go to a real hospital, especially after what happened on the beach.

Hank works on taking out my IV. "Where's Erik? Raven?"

No one says anything.

"They died too, didn't they?"

"No, no," Moira says quickly. "No. Erik, after killing Shaw, he just formed his own group of mutants. The Brotherhood. We have to go our separate ways now."

I guess that was what Erik meant by my following him.

"Thank you, Hank," I say softly as he finishes on my arm. "I'll see you guys at dinner. I'm just going to rest in my room."

He nods. I make my way, past Moira to the door.

"Wait, Haven."

I turn around slowly, looking at Charles, sitting in his wheelchair. My breathing hitches.

"It's not your fault."


"It really isn't."

"Okay," I repeat. Before I walk out the door, I hear him speak in an almost whisper, so soft that I second guess it.

"I love you."

I leave the room quietly, tears pooling in my eyes. When I get to my room, I take my bag out and start stuffing clothes and books inside, randomly, since I can't see much through the tears.

I love you too.

But I'm sorry.

I'm sorry it's so short! I go on vacation next week so I can promise longer and more regular updates! Show your love it you think it worthy- comment, vote, and share ❤️ stay beautiful!

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