Before we begin

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Hello, welcome to my second story.

This time it's about Re: zero 

Subarus powers:

Return by death: ( When he dies he comes back to life with full memory but can't control where and when)

Gaster Blaster: ( Summons taster blaster to shoot a laser)

Soul Manipulation: ( can latch onto someone's soul and throw them around)

Osteokinesis: ( summon bones)

Karmic Retribution: ( A ability that ignores defence and simply inflicts damage)

Judge: ( Can see the LV and EXP of an individual and yes it can be higher than 20)


Tires easily

Low stamina 

1 attack 

1 defence 

The easiest opponent


Instead of a Gate Subaru will use soul magic. Instead of using a gate for magic, he uses his own soul.  ( This means he doesn't use Mana to use magic)

Subaru will have a slight personality change.

 He will be more confident in his ability to fight. But this will also make him more arrogant towards people.

Subaru might have a different love interest this time.

Re:Zero SansWhere stories live. Discover now