Subaru the Great Buttler

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Subaru felt comfort around him as if he were laying on something soft. Slowly he opened his eyes to see a unfamiliar roof.

"I don't recognise this roof? So I got out of dying this time" 

Subaru looked at his once open Gut and examined it.

"Well despite everything I'm healed, weird it must of been magic"

Subaru looked around his room to find it tidy but empty

"Hay wait a second isn't it normal for a future hero like me to wake up to a cute girl after she's been tending to me for the night? I say this story's kinda flawed"

Subaru got out of the bed and started looking around what seemed to be a mansion.

" Interesting, a looping hall, I take it this is one of those things where I have to find the right room before I can proceed."

He held up his fingers and said

" ehhh I chose..."

Subaru slammed open a random door


And before him sat a small blonde girl.

" Noice the first NPC, heya kiddo names Subaru"

The small girl looked bored and replied 

"How rude bargaining into my room without even knocking first"

Subaru thought it would be funny to say

" Well sorry but I'm the kind of guy who makes game makers cry, call me flag finder master number one"

The girl decided that she had heard enough, so she stood up and walked over to Subaru.

"Hay what are you doing?"

The girl firmly said

"Don't move"

Subaru for some reason felt a sense of fear tingle throughout his body as if this small child could beat him.

" Is there anything you want to say?"

Subaru knew this was his chance to leave a good impression

" Please don't hurt me"

The girl's hand started to glow and Subaru felt as if he were melting his body was screaming out in pain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. y you little Loli what did you do?"

"Hmph I merely drained all the mana out of your body to see if you were a enemy"

Subaru realised something 

" Dam your not human are you? I don't mean that personality of yours"

" Took you long enough to notice"

And Subaru fainted...

"Huh still here"

Subaru woke up to being in the same bed. 

" Oh he is awake sister"

"Indeed he has awakened Ram"

"Hard to believe a total night owl like me can wake up so early, I'm getting all emotional, I should probably go to sleep a second time no wait a second I woke up earlier so that would make this the third"

"My my what a dead beat thing to say, did you hear that sister"

" Truly the words of a loser, I heard him Rem"

"HAY who are these two voices that keep criticising me in stereo?"

Subaru turned his head to confront the voices to find that the ones insulting him were two beautiful maid girls.

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