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Rem was holding onto Subaru.

This hug... it was everything she imagined.

"(Don't let go Subaru-kun.)"

Rem wished it could last forever 

But unfortunately almost all good things come to a end eventually 

Rem looked up at Subaru with a blush on her face

Subaru looked down at Rem with a blush on his

Then a idea crossed Subaru's mind

"Heya Rem."

"Y-yes Subaru-kun?"

Subaru put a large smile on his face and pointed towards Rem.

"Rem would you like to go on a date with me?"

Rem... was confused

"What's a date?"

Subaru had a blank look on his face before realising that maybe dates didn't exist in this medieval styled world.

"What's a date hmm? Well that's simple, a date is when two people with a strong connection try to strengthen that connection. And on a date only the god of love may know what happens."

Rem understood a date had romantic intentions behind it but...

"Subaru-kun what does someone do on a date?"

Subaru smirked

"On a date two lovers move to a isolated location to talk, eat and learn about each other."

Rem was a bit surprised that such a thing existed

"Well then Subaru-kun I shall go a date with you."

"Excellent, how about tonight?"


"Yeah we've been here for three days yet all I've done is train. So tonight I'll take you out to... ummmm... Rem."

"Yes Subaru-kun?"

"Do you know any restaurant's that we could go to?"

Rem giggled

"How about we make a picnic basket and we eat under the stars? It would save money and be isolated as you said."

"Oh great idea let's do that. Alright now then what should we pack?"

Rem put her hands together 

"Let Rem handle all the food."

"Alright I'm trusting you."

Subaru gave Rem a thumbs up

Subaru was doing basic training with Wilhelm

His blocking had improved a lot

So much that he even Wilhelm noticed this large improvement 

But Subaru was distracted by something 

Subaru was distracted by his date with Rem

To him in this timeline she was a beautiful, caring and strong person.

"(I can't believe this, I'm about to date a person who killed me once in another timeline. But I suppose that's just in that timeline. After all she's a different person now.)"


Subaru fell to his knees, holding his  stomach in pain

He let some out of breath gasps out as he look Wilhelm in the eyes

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