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It was the fourth day of Subaru's stay at the Crusch manor.

There he spent his time Training with Wilhelm, learning manners and went on a romantic date with a beautiful Oni known as Rem.

But what Subaru didn't know was that on the fourth day something horrible would happen.


"Wowe Wilhelm, no matter how much I improve you always seem to be able to hit me" Subaru said with a happy smile

"You seem to be in quite high spirits Subaru-don I take it that you're... date went well?" Wilhelm asked with a soft tone

"Yeah, it was amazing. Good food, good laughs and good... moments." Subaru spoke with a slight blush


"Ow,ow,ow what was that for?" Subaru said clearly upsettie

"I told you not to get distracted Subaru-don." Wilhelm said calmly 

"Nyeh, heh ok then maybe I should start fighting back with my magic,Hmmm how do you like that?" Subaru though this would intimidate the old man

"Very well."

"Umm, what?"

"I said very well."

"No I mean why aren't you afraid of my magic? You have a sword and I have ranged lasers."

"You clearly have almost no fighting experience, even if you have a range and fire power advantage I hold many, many years more experience then you."

Subaru summoned a blaster

"Then let's spar for a bit to see if you're right or not."

But before they could begin the fight


"SUBARU-KUN!" Yelled a distressed Oni maid

"Oh Umm maybe we can pick this up another time."

"Hmmm" mumbled Wilhelm 

Subaru turned to face Rem

"Heya, what's up?"

"Subaru-kun! It's my sister, I can fell through our connection that something bad happened to her."

"Oh, and what do you wanna do then?"

"I wanna go see her and wanted you to come."

Wilhelm looked up

"Subaru-don you should focus  on your training, plus leaving would violate Roswaal and Crusch-samas contract."

"Let me think about this for a second... hmmmmm, ok let's go Rem."

Wilhelm looked a little surprised 


"Look, the girl I love said she wanted me to accompany her, and even if it's the wrong choice I still wanna be with her."

"Subaru-kun..." Rem spoke softly with a smile

"Hmmm very well  I shall alert Crusch of your immediate aperture, I will organise a dragon carriage for your journey."

So everyone had gathered at the front gates of Crusch's great manor 

"Thank you very much for your hospitality" said Rem

"Good luck you two" said Crusch 

"See ya later." Said Subaru with a smile

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