A happy ending?

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Emilia: What are you talking about I wouldn't slaughter anyone. I only wish for what was stolen to be returned.


Emilia: wait your not with them? Well anyways *Summons ice* please return what was stolen 

Subaru: She's right Felt just give it back.

Felt: WHAT

Subaru: look Emilia took the time to track you down and now she's threatening you with ice magic. There's no need to escalate this any further...( Shit never mind) PUCK SHIELD QUICKLY!

Puck: phew that was tying it close thanks kid.

???: Aww what a shame I was hoping to have had killed her with no problems

Felt: hay what's the big idea I thought we were going to trade?

???: Felt there is no trade if the original owner of the item is here, you failed at your job and now you must die.

Subaru: First of all that's a bit stuck up to say to a little girl and second not happening. Here's what's going to happen.

Emilia: wha

Emilia started to glow blue and was sent speeding towards Subaru as he caught her.

Subaru: Emilia please stay behind me. Now then you freaky bowl cutter. Let's talk, it's judgment time for you.

The murderous lady ( bowl hunter) stared at Subaru with a sadistic and exited look on her face.

???: Ohhhhhhh this should be interesting.

Subaru: So let's get something clear. Your kinda a freak huh? I can see that you have killed quite a lot. When I look at your Lv it's very high. 30 if you would believe me. That means during your life you have killed hundreds. So now I stand here to ask you one question. What is it you want? You have such great talent but you use it to hurt others. I may not be weak... umm but even I can tell when someone needs to be put in their place. 

The atmosphere suddenly went very stiff, and it was as if only Subaru's voice existed.

Subaru: Listen very closely. If you take another step forward... I'll have to injure you very badly.

Elsa (bowl hunter): fufufufufuf, all that for that? You had my hopes up but you can't even muster any intent to kill me. You even clam knowledge of my past kills but that doesn't seem to make you anymore angry. Not even a little bit of blood lust if radiating off you. Well I hope you looked after your bowls. 

Elsa stepped forward's seductively licking her lips.

Subaru: ... Let's just get to the point.

Subaru let out a small sigh as he used his Soul power to grab the bowl hunter and throw her around Rom's loot house.

Subaru: Hay Emilia, can you help? I can easily keep her at bay but she's a lot tougher then I expected. Simply throwing her around won't win this fight.

Emilia: Very well. Puck let's assist this boy in beating the bowl hunter

Puck: Sure you should feel fortunate that I still have a few minutes of time left before I enter the crystal for rest.

Unlike in the Original, with Subaru restricting Elsas movement and both Puck and Emilia shooting ice at her from random angles the bowl hunter was reaching her limit. Whenever she got near Emilia or Subaru, Subaru would simply push her back making it impossible to slice them, and puck glided sadly in the air so he was in no danger of her blade. And this caused Elsa to be hit with quite a few icicles damaging her. But this winning period was about to change.

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