Bone Head

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It was a glorious morning, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. On glorious days like this people like Subaru... should be getting ready for work so he doesn't get fired.

Subaru woke up and felt exited.

"Alright a new day rises above me and I'm ready to continue work." Subaru said with genuine happiness in his voice.

"Sister sister it seems our guests has awoken"

"Indeed he has sister"

Subaru turned his head and saw them and immediately yanked the bed sheets over him

"HAY ,why are two in my room? Did something  happen to make you want to watch me sleep or am I late for work and you wanted to wake me but I woke up right before you could?"

"Ram, Ram our guest seems confused" 

"Rem, Rem our guest seems to be to tired to recognise a new face"

Subaru was confused but decided to wave it off

"Ahh never mind if your going to be like that"

Subaru walked to his cupboard and opened it

"Hay where's my Buttler uniform? Did one of you take it out?"

"Rem our guest is undoubtedly confused"

"Ram let's explain where he is"

"You don't need to explain anything, I'm at Roswals mansion, I work for him as a Buttler."

Suddenly Emilia walked in

"Oh Subaru you've awakened and I see your looking around your room"

"Hay Emilia please tell Rem and Ram to stop teasing me, there jokes are cutting me down to the bone.

"Yes you two stop teasing Subaru, he is a guest"

"... Emilia I work here as a Buttler?"

"Umm sorry but you don't"

"It can't be... E Emilia how long have I been here for?"

"Including today two days why?"


Suddenly everything and everyone stopped, all that existed was a empty void of darkness,

"What the, this isn't funny"

Suddenly a black hand began to float towards Subaru. Subaru wanted to use soul magic or run but he couldn't do anything but think and watch as it came closer. Then the hand went into his chest and grabbed his heart causing immense pain.

"AHHH HAAAA AHH..." Subaru screamed in pain as he felt like his heart stopped 


Subaru knew something was very wrong with his power of return by death. It seems he can't talk about it.

"Umm no nothings wrong just had a scary thought"

Rem glared daggers at Subaru, hateful daggers that could stab through anything.

"Well if you insist, Roswal has asked us to join him for breakfast."

So Subaru obliged. He went with the half elf and 2 twins for his second first breakfast.

"(So if I've died and come back to the second day I've been here it means someone here killed me in their sleep, or maybe it was a assassin. I need a plan to find out who did it. Well if I'm not wrong all I have to do is follow the same path as last time, that should lead me to the same result, and when that happens I'll wait for the killer to come. However this time I should probably try to make friends with the residents here.)

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