Return to Zero

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Subaru, Emilia and Puck had spent all day searching for the mysterious thief.Subaru tried his best to help but things were slow. Subaru made jokes with puck as they searched to lighten the mood and eventually they found themselves the information they needed to solve this mysterious case of property theft.

Subaru POV 

After a entire day of helping Emilia trying to locate her lost item we have been lead to this very poor village.

Subaru: The air, the atmosphere here is most likely the attitudes of the people living here and it's awful. Are you sure she's really out here?

Flash back

Appa man: you said it was a little Blonde girl right well it might be that Felt girl I see everyone so often. She's well known in the slums. She probably lives there, that's about all I can tell ya.

Flash back end

Amelia: Maybe someone will tell us if we ask.

Puck: Yeahhh maybe don't try that, I don't think the people living here would sell out one of their own to some strangers. Anyways *yawn* it's about time i return to my crystal.

Subaru: You know you look like your dying when you're doing that.

Puck: Ye but it's all fine, anyways Emilia I'm sorry but you must continue without me, and Subaru do you think you can use you're spirit to help from here on?

Subaru: ( Winks) Don't worry I got this.

Puck then went into his crystal.

Subaru: Hay wow I don't think I've done one of these alone with a girl situations since I was in grade school.

Emilia: Don't get any pervy ideas Subaru, I can use magic you know

Subaru: Alright,Sorry.

Emilia: Let's contact the lesser spirits

Subaru: lesser spirits?

Emilia: correct.

Subaru watched as Emilia began to summon the lesser spirits and looked very graceful as she talked to them.

Emilia: They say to go this way

Subaru: oh ok

Small time skip

Subaru: So this is the house. Looks creepy

Emilia: Well the spirits are never wrong so regardless of appearance we must venture forth

Subaru: I'll go first never know, I might be able to get it back no problem. But in case I don't come back you may leave without me

Emilia: don't say such things.

Subaru: Hehe well see you in a second

Entered house

Subaru: Hello, is anyone in here? (It's so quiet) 

Subaru looked around he saw many treasures from weapons to armour to ancient artefacts. The he stepped in a puddle 

Subaru: what the... 

Subaru saw that the puddle he was standing in was a dark colour... a red colour

Subaru: oh my god what is this. ( looks up) a a a aaaaa WHAT THE 

???: Oh dear it seems you have seen it oh well no problem

Subaru turned around to see a woman launching herself at him. 

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