A Person Who Still Believe's

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Subaru calmly woke up, remembering his last reset certainty brought shivers down his spine. But as he found himself once again looking at a familiar ceiling he could only let out a sad sigh.

"( So even after all that... couldn't even beat Ram. Talk about pathetic... well maybe if I took her on 1v1 style but that would only lead to more unwanted consequences)"

"Rem Rem it seems our guest has awakened"

"Ram Ram our guest has indeed woken up"

Subaru looked at them not with fear but with... new determination. And as he let go of his past emotions he could feel his right eye deactivate, while not glowing he knew that his hatred was gone and so was the eye

"Oh Hello you Two, could you please tell me where I am."

Rem and Ram then proceeded to explain things in their own way

"Sir you are currently"

"In the Roswal manor"

Subaru decided that this time he would try harder to fix things so he decided to use this life for collecting information. How can I get stronger, is Rem the one who killed me in the first loop and are their any consequences for me messing with time like this? I don't know how I'm doing it but I hope nothing from the past can come back to haunt me

Suddenly Emilia entered 

"Heya Emilia looking nice"

Emilia seemed shocked at this sudden attack

"Ummm you know ima half elf.. right?"

Subaru didn't fully know why she thought he would think any less of her because of her race


Emilia, Rem and Ram looked a bit shocked

"You know pal where I'm from judging someone because of their race is called racist. And that's no good. I believe that it's better to judge someone based of things like personality."

Emilia let out a deep blush

Rem narrowed her eyes at Subaru 

And puck suddenly appeared out of no where and punched Subaru 

"Hay what was that for? I never asked for a cup of punch or a knuckle sandwich."

Ram snorted making Rem glare dangerously at Subaru 

"That punch wasn't out of anger, actually it's the opposite, I feel super tingly inside"

"Welp since it was squishy I'll forgive you"

Ram looked a bit concerned 

"Ummm sir... he left a bruise"

Subaru was now cursing his 1 defence 

"Oh heh heh you see I kinda only have 1 defence, so it doesn't take very much to kill me. I would probably die from getting punched by some below average joe"

Everyone was a bit surprised to hear this 

"No shame"

"Indeed sister"

Rem and Ram where surprised that this boy so casualty let out his weakness

"Anyways what's for breakfast I'm starving"

"Sister our guest has absolutely no shame at all"

Subaru was eating his breakfast thinking of ways to gather information while staying alive. He didn't have enough information yet and wasn't strong enough to take on them. Last time he asked to fight all to see how he would do, and yeah with both eyes he could not die for a good while. But now he only had one and only learnt that he can't beat all these guys in a fight at once.

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