The beginning of the beginning (Updated)

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"Ah, I see. This is where they suck you in *sigh*"

Subaru quietly to himself as he read a random peie of manga which he picked up off the shelf

"However Subaru decided to not buy the manga instead opting to pick up a bag of chips."

Subaru having claimed his prize decided to pay for his items

"That will be 364 yen please."

Said the casheir 

Subaru in response  pulled out some coins from his pocket

Subaru: oh, a grooved edge ten.

Subaru put the grooved edged yen in his pocket and paid for his items with the other coins

Subaru haven paid for his items left the store

Subaru stepped outside and felt the cool air of the night flow upon his skin

Subaru took a few steps away from the convince store and looked at the road ahead of him

Subaru being taught well from his parents looked to the left noticing a car drive past

"*sigh* Lets just go."

Subaru was ready to go home


Subaru felt weird 

"Whats happening?"

Subaru found that keeping his eyes open was becoming difficult

"Guess this is what happens when you've been cooped up in your room... all day gaming."

Subaru began to rub his eyes trying to jeep them open

However he failed forcing himself into darkness

For a second it felt like the world around him distorted.

"I guess anyone's eyes would be tired after holding up their room, gaming all day.

Subaru rubbed harder not want to to fall alseep

And he before he forced his eyes open he swore he could have heard a slight wisper that was in the form of a language he never heard garbage noise at best. Probaly just his mind playing tricks on him... speaking of his mind playing tricks on him

Opening his eyes hurt a lot more than it should of it almost seemed like a intense light was forcing itself into them

Subaru fully opened his eyes to find... It was day time?


Subau said confused

Subaru looked around slowly observing his surroundings trying to figure out the best course of action

Subaru saw what appeared to be stone houses, Merchant Stands selling basic goods and carriages being pulled by lizard things

"What's going on? This stuff obviously isn't fake. Which means. Does that mean I've been summoned into a parallel world?! I can guess that this is a type of fantasy world with typical medieval-style culture. It seems demehumans live here and probably stuff like wars and adventures as well. And here I'm...


Subaru turned to see a little kid on the ground as a chariot being towed by a lizard-like a thing was heading towards it.

"THIS IS IT! IT'S MY TURN! This must be the event where I produce my first magic spell!"

Subaru raised his arm and with a mighty voice

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