A Day Of Training

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Subaru and Rem were bored.

After Roswaal struck a deal with the Crush camp to teach Subaru to have more knightly manners they were forced to follow.

Subaru hadn't made much progress in his training, while he learnt the basic manners he also failed all his sword training. 

But his magic powers surprised the old sword demon.

He hadn't encountered someone who didn't use mana magic.

And he found Subaru... a bit stuck up honestly 

Looking into Subaru's eyes he could see the eyes of someone who has died multiple times but that doesn't seem right...

Rem was mainly a care taker of Subaru, she was their for the sole reason of protecting him, she totally wasn't their to spend time with him. Nope not at all... maybe a little...

Crusch found Subaru interesting, he never referred to her with respect. But he also never had any bad intent in his eyes. Subaru to her and everyone was a enigma, a mystery that would take ages to solve.

And to Felix, Crushes own knight. He thought negatively of Subaru since their first interaction went something like this.

"Heya, so you're Felix huh?"

"Meow-yah, that's me-yow."

"Oh you're a cat person, welp I'm not one to judge but honestly I prefer dogs."


Yeah as you would imagine Felix didn't think to highly of Subaru 

Subaru had only stayed at the Crush mansion for two days but he had a idea

"Heya Rem-rin"

"Hello Subaru-kun."

"Remember when we saw the Archbishop of lust?"

"Y-yes why do you bring it up?"

"I wanna fight her."

"Subaru-kun, as much as I love that idea, I can't just allow you to walk into a fight you can't win."

"Hay, didn't you see me fend off the sword saint?"

"No, but Emilia told me that you were knocked out in a single hit from a wooden sword."

"What?! She's hurting my pride!"

Crusch entered in

"Hello Subaru how's you're training  going?"

"Oh that, it's... certainly doing something."

"And that would be?"

"Well I now know basic etiquette"

"And how about you're sword skills?"

"Well, I'm making almost no progress their. I suppose I'm just the kind of guy who only uses magic."

"Well that's no excuse, if I must I shall double you're training sessions."

"Please don't, I still need my beauty sleep."

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