The Rain.

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This was the pattern of the rain falling outside.





A pattern that could irritate the ears of someone who hated the annoying sound but for Suga, it was calming. The continuous noise gave him something to distract his frantic mind. As of right now, he didn't care about his members constantly screaming at each for the mistakes they made. Nor did he have to listen to the accusations that their company had made against them - all he could hear, was the rain.

It gave him serenity - peace. His small brown eyes stared at the gray sky, blinking once or twice because of the falling droplets. He wondered,

"When would he finally be free to go back to his old life ... his normal life?"

How had everything gone wrong so quickly? A few weeks ago, his members would have come to scold him for standing in the rain - claiming that he would get sick because of his slender body. These jokes always amused him because his body had nothing to do with his immune system but he didn't mind. They just worried incessantly and to cure their worries, Suga would go inside, much to the relief of Jin who panicked the most.

In fact, one rainy days such as this one, they would watch movies - horror, thriller, romance, anything that entertained the band for the evening. A voting would be conducted and whichever movie held the highest votes, would be picked. Of course, it was almost never easy for the men to agree peacefully. An argument was bound to occur, followed by laughter because of the ridiculous arguments the men made against each other. Basically, for about 15 minutes, the band spoke nonsense and debated on whether a movie was too romantic or too scary - J-Hope and Suga being the main adversaries opposed to horror.

Those were the fun times where everybody was happy - no problems surfaced, just 7 men spending time with their cherished friends.

Now, nobody came to pester him about the possibility of catching a cold. Nobody watched movies for hours on end until the rain stopped, nobody cared enough at the moment to even be around each other. There was no laughter or fun present anymore, only regret and anger resonated within the dorm.

Deep regret.

If Suga believed that crying would benefit him, tears would flow like a river, however, he knew otherwise. No amount of tears could salvage a broken relationship - one built on trust and love but was tainted by an honest mistake.

A mistake that was never meant to happen - an accident.

A mistake is never intended but why is it that one always occurs. For some reason, the one time someone makes a mistake, it's severe. It not only impacts yourself but those around, leaving you the villain - a betrayer.

Trust that you gained over the years, is lost. The love that you earned from those precious to you is stripped away like tape, by none other than yourself - all because of a mistake.

Secrets can also damage a friendship - large or small, important or irrelevant, it matters. Said secret may be insignificant to you, however, a person who loves you, has confided in you. For you to take that information and share it with others, is betrayal.

So, for Suga, the rain was like a mirror to how he felt on the inside - gloomy, sad ... lost. Like the droplets he too couldn't help but fall further and further until he reached his final destination.

There he stood outside, drenched to the bone. His black hair stuck to his forehead and his clothes were soaked. And his face ... was empty as drops trickled down.

The raindrops almost appeared to be tears - no one would ever know which it was ... but the drops were salty - oddly like tears.

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