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Absolute chaos ensued when the stadium went black.

The darkness seemed to feed the frantic crowd, making them go into a state of frenzy as they collided into each other - completely unaware of the danger to soon unfold. Soon one screamed turned into 10 and then 20 and from then on they only multiplied. 

BTS could hear their fans - the fear in their voices and the uncertainty blinding their reason. They had no idea what to do because they had yet to know what exactly was going on. It was strange. 

One minute they're getting ready to perform and the next everything goes black, making everyone go crazy. And not to mention that scream that the men heard just before the lights shut off - what the hell was going on? 

While the boy band stood unsure of their next move, their team sprung into action. Backstage staff members ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. One of the staff ran so fast, she nearly knocked over Jimin, but being the gentleman he was, he apologized for standing in her way.

"Oh my gosh - I'm so sorry!" she deeply bowed 3 times. 

Her black hair covered her face but Jimin could see the panic on her face - it surprised him. He reached out to clutch her shoulder in comfort. 

"No, no - I'm the one whose in your way. I'm really sorry." he bowed back to the staff who was flabbergasted with Jimin's polite tone and apologetic gestures. 

She opened and closed her lips; no words could explain the happiness she felt as Jimin tried to comfort her but soon that emotion was replaced with anxiety because an older hyung demanded that she get back to work. 

Clutching her wooden clipboard tightly, she bowed deeply again.

"Thank you - excuse me.." she mumbled as she sped away.  

Namjoon watched the interaction while deciding to speak up.

"What's going on?" Jungkook blurted, his bunny eyes alert and filled with worry.

Namjoon turned to the maknae.

"Honestly," he began.
"I have no idea but the best thing to do is wait-"
"Everyone out!"

BTS heard one of their staff shout into the microphones on stage. His voice was panicked and urgent.

"There appears to be a sasaeng fan who entered the venue!"

The crowd - already scared - began to scream even louder at the demand. If the crowd was out of control before, now they were absolutely going nuts.

"Everyone calm down and listen," he ordered.

But the crowd couldn't hear him over their own screams and panic - it was just chaotic.

The band couldn't believe what they'd heard.

A sasaeng?


In the same venue with about 200 hundred other people?

People that they could potentially harm?

This information was enough for the band to move.

Even though it was a foolish decision to make, Namjoon practically ran to the stage where all he could see were fans panicking. Some of them were crying while others stood still a state of dubiety; the rest were trying to get past them in order to leave the venue.

The other members followed their leader of course.

Their hearts clenched at the sight of them putting their fans in danger and even though it wasn't completely under their control, a threat was allowed into their concert - a threat they allowed.

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