A Long Day

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Flabbergasted is an interesting word - it's gives an entirely different meaning to the word, "shocked" or its relative, "surprised".

The word goes beyond being surprised, actually, no words can describe the feeling, you would have to experience it to truly know. Luckily for Yoongi, he was experiencing it first hand as he stood in front of 6 of the most handsome strangers he'd ever met in his lifetime.

Too many times today had his face been full of expressions - real expressions that weren't put on display to please others. They were sincere and only appeared after these men had invaded his life; his seemingly boring, repetitive life.

"Did the lady at the front want any of us?" Namjoon asked.

Snapping out of his shock, he blinked several times and unfroze his once frigid body. As he comprehended the question being asked, irritation spread like a virus inside of him. Maybe it was because they scared the living crap out of him or maybe ... it was because they referred to Rose as "lady".

"Lady? Her name is Rose, bastards."

He ignored them. He didn't appreciate their disrespect, even if they didn't know they were being rude. Walking down the hallway, his final destination stood in front of him - the bathroom. Finally, the need to wash his hands would go away.

As he closed the door to the restrooms, he laid his head against the wood, inhaled deeply, closed his eyes and exhaled. Today had been a day of unexpected events, Yoongi could live without surprises and excitement - he really could. The smell of lavender attacked his senses, making him feel at ease almost instantly. Rose was such a kind woman - she knew that floral scents calmed Yoongi down when he felt overwhelmed (which could explain why flowers were literally everywhere in the restaurant). Lavender was one of his favorite scents, he didn't know why but it didn't really matter.

Opening his eyes, he stared at himself through a tall, framed, rectangular mirror in the center of the wall - it was old, much like the rest of the building. Old but still beautiful, Yoongi thought.

Disregarding the features of the mirror he stared at his own appearance. In his opinion, he looked poorly taken care of. It was bad enough that his height gave him the illusion of being an elementary student. The fact that he carried himself so carelessly fed into that assumption. His colorless skin lacked moisture - lips cracked and face dry, Yoongi walked out of the house today without a care; just like any other day. Eyes forever dull, had darkened bags beneath them; the inside of them were a mixture of red and brown (from little sleep).

There was nothing to say about his hair, the thick strands refused to be tamed. Getting it to lay down was a miracle but for it to stay that way, Yoongi would have to use multiple layers of gel and hair spray - lazy Yoongi couldn't be bothered with such things. Although, he had time to do these things before he came to work; on weekdays, the sun woke him up rather than his alarm clock. Today, he woke up at 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep but still decided to walk out of the house at 8 am as if he'd just awoken.

In his defense, these was no reason for him to look appealing. Nobody showed him interest; the same customers came and went every single day with none of them batting an eye in his direction.

A yawn escaped his lips and he scratched his black hair.

Ivory scented soap bars - two - sat inside of a baby blue soap holder on the left side of the sink. Honestly, the color baby blue was everywhere in the bakery and it was mildly irritating to look at, wearing it was enough for the pale male. The assistant grabbed one of the bars and scrubbed for dear life.

'Wash it away.... Wash it away...'

His mind chanted in a sing-song voice.

But it wasn't his mind chanting this; Yoongi actually chanted this to himself - he was just oblivious to it.

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