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Raindrops echoed in the small space of Rose's vehicle. At first they were light, feathery specks of water that barely touched the hood of the car but now, they were violent; beating on the car with an unbelievable force that could easily be mistaken for hail. But almost as quickly as the storm began - it stopped. Now the sun shone behind the clouds, playing hide and seek as the day became night and serenity graced the colorful sky.

The inside of the vehicle was no different as Yoongi and Rose sat in a comfortable, piano-filled silence.

With his elbow propped up on the door, Yoongi stared out the window absentmindedly, his eyes taking in every detail of the road they'd traveled so many times. You'd think that he'd get bored of looking at the same scenery but he preferred to look at things familiar to him. That way, if something seemed out of the ordinary, his eyes would spot it immediately.

It was fall in their small town. He took notice of the leaves varying from red to orange and how the grass no longer looked green but dead and brown. He noticed that those walking to unknown destinations wore jackets and sweaters due to the gentle breeze blowing the leftover leaves. Summer had ended and he could tell - he could even smell it in the air.

'I've gotta start bringing a hoodie to work.' He reminded himself - already mentally preparing his mind for tomorrow.

The ride felt short, as it always did. Sadly, he couldn't enjoy many sights, for his small apartment soon appeared as Rose turned the corner on Walls. St. A sign saying, "Ellwood Apartments" in big, black letters came into view, letting Yoongi know that it was time to leave Rose's comfort. She pulled into the driveway and parked next to a red car - a Honda Yoongi believed.

With nothing more than his bookbag, he opened the car door and stepped outside to be met with that gentle breeze but it was a little harsher than he imagined.

Initially, Rose found his indifference disrespectful. He was always disinterested with the world around him - never paid any mind to anyone/anything unless they/it truly piqued his interest. So when Yoongi left her car without a goodbye or a thank you, she said nothing because she knew he was probably thinking about random things; paying her no mind. But this was Rose, she was going to say something to her nonchalant assistant.

"Not even a little "thank ya" Suga'?" She teased.

Yoongi walked around to the drivers window and stared at the beautiful woman. He was going to thank her ... he just needed time to prep himself and not get embarrassed. Simple.

"Thank you." He stated bluntly, purposely emphasizing "you" to make fun of the fact that Rose pronounced it as "ya".

"Oh whateva, don't make fun of ma talkin' - makes me a little sad." Rose pouted.

Yoongi chuckled at Rose - the woman might've been old, but her cuteness was still present.

"Glad I gotchu to laugh - was getting tired of that damn frown." She said while wagging her polished finger in his face.

Yoongi let the smile fade from his face at this statement, Rose only smiled wide at him, making her wrinkles more present.

"Tsk, there goes that damn frown again, I just wanna..."

She reached out to squeeze Yoongi's cheek, and succeeded. The male yelped as she roughly pinched his cheek, no doubt giving him a bruise that would likely stay for the remainder of his week. But his frown didn't go away, it actually deepened - Rose applied pressure.

"Okay, okay!" He finally shouted, having enough of her shenanigans.

Rose let go of his cheek and patted it lightly whilst revealing an "innocent" smile - innocent his ass.

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