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"You," Rose pointed to the stoic baker standing in front of the entrance.

"Let 'em into ma bakery?"

Puzzled about the question, Yoongi nodded. The only way for the incident to occur would have to be if BTS were inside the bakery. So, for her to ask the question not once but twice, Yoongi sensed that something was amiss. And it definitely had to do with his reluctance to turn the men away.

The woman sighed, disappointed at Yoongi for violating the one rule she set, for instances such as this one.

"Lemme ask again - you let them, who ain't working fa me, into ma bakery without permission?"

Realization crossed Yoongi's face and as he shook his head for the third time, guilt coursed through his veins.

Out of habit, he placed his hand against his lips, prepared to pick at the cuticles however, one glare from Rose caused that hand to fall back to his side. Without a way to cope with his anxiety, Yoongi chewed the inside of his cheek.

"That's ma one rule." Rose held up her index finger.
"The only one Suga' - did you have to disobey it?"

Yoongi wanted to reply and assure the woman that truly meant no harm, but instead he stood frozen. Although his face held a nonchalant gaze, inside, his nerves ate him alive.

"You know I trust ya Suga', you know."
"And I love you like ma son, but I can't believe that you even let 'em in."

Rose gave Yoongi a curious gaze as she walked from behind her counter to sit on one of its stools.

"You don't even care 'bout people much, 'n general at least."

'So why do you care about them?'

The question sat on the tip of Rose's  tongue but she wouldn't ask; Yoongi probably didn't understand his attachment to the men either.

He wasn't fond of relationships but he'd willingly interacted with them more than ever within the span of a couple days. In the 3 years she worked with him, she'd never seen him show interest in anything that wasn't music related.

Maybe that's what it was - BTS revolved around music and the idea transfixed him.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi mumbled while staring at Rose, hoping to convey his message.

"I'll bet you is Suga' - I'll bet you is."

The woman rose from her seat and without sparing a glance at anyone, began to walk to the back of her bakery. Now alone to ponder about their mistakes, the men lowered their heads in shame.

Shame for their clumsiness.

Shame for their carelessness.

Shame for the disappointment clouding Rose's features.

Just ... shame.

Yoongi glanced at the group beside him in regret.

One would think the regret was for letting letting inside the bakery, but no.

You see, Yoongi felt regretful because his refusal to listen, his stubbornness - his actions caused them to get scolded. He held no ill emotions towards the group, in fact, he loathed in sorrow at the moment.

The guilt tugged at his heart and threatened to let the words, "I'm sorry" slip through his lips, but he remained silent; eyes now trained back on the ground as they were before.

"Yoongi," Namjoon all but whispered.

It startled the baker, making him turn with lighting speed.

"We're, no," Namjoon paused to point at himself.

An Honest MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now