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It didn't take more than a glance for the baker to recognize him. Of course, it probably didn't take long for the male to recognize him either, seeing that they've known each other for years now - 6 to be exact. That's why Yoongi was able to recognize him simply from the way he walked into the coffee shop, confidence emitting from each step he took.

However, what really made him recognizable, is that scar. Sitting directly under his chin, a thin long line, a burn, flawed his elegant features; it was brown and almost faded but in the sunlight, was as clear as day. The male looked away from the door, in hopes that the when he walked in, he wouldn't be able to recognize Yoongi, as he had done him.

Yoongi turned towards the window as the rest of the table finished their conversation, blocking out all noise and trying to focus on calming his frantic heartbeat.




The only thing he could hear was his accelerating heartbeat - was it always this loud?




'He didn't see you Yoongi - you're okay' He tried to assure himself, but evidently, was failing miserably.

"Yoongi-hyung?" Jungkook lightly tapped the male's arm - Yoongi abruptly moved it away in response.

"Don't touch me." Yoongi spit, venom lacing his voice and not because of Jungkook but rather the touch that lingered on his skin.

Intimidated by Yoongi's crudeness, Jungkook failed to utter a single word. In fact, the entire table went dead silent; the male instantly regretted his tone of voice. But this was the second time that Jungkook so naturally touched him, and it was only their second meeting.

"Sorry," he stood up, prepared to leave the establishment.

But Jimin was persistent.

"No hyung," he stood up as well.

"He didn't mean any harm, we just wanted to get your attentio-"

"Well you didn't need to touch me to do it." The baker snarkily replied.

This behavior was unlike him, and he knew this but alas, the person who walked into this place, the same place as he, left him uneasy and scared, wishing to not face the battles of his past; at least not today.

"Hyung ... he really didn't mean to. I understand if you feel violated but he meant no harm." Namjoon stated, his voice calm and understanding.

"I didn't ask whether or not he did." He mumbled, but the venom remained with each word he spit.

"Okay hyung, that's okay but first," Namjoon reached out to Yoongi, but didn't touch him, only placing his palm in front of the male's hand.

"You need to calm down."

"What." Yoongi was distracted, glancing around the shop, looking for that golden hair.

You're shaking - I need you to breathe." The leader tried. But Yoongi wasn't listening, he only searched for him - a reminder of his past.

'Where is he.'

Yoongi didn't know why his eyes looked for him despite hating his very existence. The things he did were unforgivable ... but after ignoring him for 3 years, it would be a lie if the male said he hadn't missed him. He was his best friend .. until 3 years ago.

An Honest MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now