First Appearance

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Long, slender fingers moved with purpose - the nailbeds completely destroyed and a pale white colored the skin of the digits. They were slightly red due to excessive biting and badly calloused, a way to showcase the amount of hard work they'd experienced.

But although his fingers were bruised, magic flowed from them - transfixing, wonderful magic that hid in the form of a song. The song had no name, no lyrics, no true meaning, but for some odd reason, it felt right. During this time where the melody crafted on its own and held no special meaning, Yoongi merely let his body become a vessel for the music to control.

He sat on the wooden stool of a black grand piano. The piano was old, its black and white keys collected dust and minuscule scratches littered the surface, caused by the previous owner. Such a beautiful thing was poorly taken care of and it carried scars to prove that. Like an old relic, it was abandoned long ago - forgotten by those who no longer acknowledged its existence.

However for Yoongi, it was a treasure, a rarity in contrast to his dull life. He loved that the piano wasn't perfect or an "ideal" instrument. He loved that the sounds emitting from it weren't flawless but instead were random and broken. And he cherished the several scrapes and bruises that the instrument possessed - he pictured them as wounds. Just like him, the piano had lost battles and won others, those victories and losses were forever engraved in its wood.

This piano was a mirror and Yoongi was the reflection, when together, they created a whole.

He continued to massage the keys with his pale fingertips. The climax of the mysterious song was almost complete until a soft voice broke his focus and ended his bliss.

"Yoongi," the voice said timidly.

Surprised by the voice, Yoongi shot up from the rickety stool, in turn making it fall to the ground with a loud clack.

The man's eyebrows rose in shock and his eyes widened but within seconds his face returned to being expressionless.

A woman stood in front of him. She looked to be in her late thirties or early forties with dark skin and long kinky hair. Yoongi was tall compared the the shorter woman in front of him, it was something he subtly teased her about on good days but those were rare. She always held a warm smile on her face, almost like a mother - caring and loving. Yoongi looked up to her and envisioned her as his mom, though he never knew what his real mother looked like - she was gone.

"You love that piano don'tcha?" A strong southern accent was heard.

He would've said, "yes" but he only shook his head at her statement. She took no offence to his non-verbal response - he was a man of few words and she respected that.

"Ha ha, I don't know why ya so fascinated by that ol' thing - its older than ma granny."
"Ya know, you could take it Yoong. I ain't usin' it and ain't nobody else neither."

The man knew that she genuinely wanted him to have it because she was the only one who saw how much it meant to him. She always told him this and every time, he turned her down. Yoongi felt that it wasn't right for him to take it without payment, which she refused to accept. Again he shook his head but this time indicating, "no".

"Come on Yoong, you're in love with the damn thing," She chuckled.
"Might as well get married to it."

Yoongi was used to her vulgar language and teasing, he simply rolled his eyes at her exaggeration. She noticed his slight expression change and laughed loudly this time - making the man smile slightly too.

"What? If it was possible, you'd be married to it. It in't that hard to believe."

Yoongi looked away bashfully, a light red tint appeared on his cheeks. Then, he looked back at the short woman and plead with his eyes for her to stop.

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