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A slender hand aggressively silenced the annoying ringing of his digital clock. This being the third time that the device went off, only for a nest of black hair to turn over, purposely ignoring its incessant beeping. Although Yoongi wished to snooze the clock for another 15 minutes, he couldn't, because it just turned 7:30 - 30 minutes till the time he agreed to meet Rose and BTS at the bakery.

The funny thing about his situation was that the male actually didn't sleep a wink. So when he snoozed the alarm clock, he merely stared at his ceiling - memorizing its cracks and edges that lacked paint and the spots staining it somehow.

In fact, he had yet to move despite it now being 7:32.

Yoongi sighed deeply whilst running his hands along his dry face, his fingers lingering in his hair for a while until they found themselves back at his side. Again, he stared at the beige ceiling - thinking and thinking.

The male's lack of sleep probably derived from the fact that yesterday was so ... chaotic. That was the only word he could use to describe the amount of shock he felt.

From the moment his day started, to the very end.

After he explained what happened to Rose's china on the phone, the woman became silent on the other end. Her silence made the tension rise and hearts accelerate, Yoongi's included.

Then, when she finally decided to utter but a sentence, it was short and sweet - as soft as a whisper. For Rose, she never spoke that calmly, especially when news as devastating as that was delivered. So Yoongi felt that his shudder was rightfully justified. Her serenity scared the male but BTS had no idea of the storm coming their way. They smiled at the device in Yoongi's hand, surprise evident but their bodies no longer tense.

If only they knew.

Yoongi found himself thinking.

The woman requested that the men meet her at the bakery today to discuss payment. For some reason she told Yoongi that his presence was needed and in fear of her exploding, he didn't question the command.

He turned on his side, facing his wooden side table and the clock that now read: 7:38 am.

38 ... That gives me about 22 minutes to shower...

Groaning, he sat up, making the deduction that if he laid any longer, he wouldn't get up. Flipping his cover, the male stood up and stretched - the over-sized T-shirt he wore rising to reveal gray basketball shorts. The wooden floorboards beneath his feet were freezing, however, Yoongi welcomed the cold. It assisted his awakening.

Thankfully the bathroom connected to his bedroom.

As Yoongi walked into the restroom, he flipped the light switch and looked into the mirror before him. It was small compared to the bakery's, for it was a mere square with discolored brackets holding it up and white stains on the right edge; it looked like nail polish.

He was staying in an apartment so he didn't expect excellent cleanliness - this place wasn't too bad, but it wasn't good either. At least he had working hot water.

Basically drinking in his face, Yoongi frowned slightly. He found himself disliking the pale skin that gave him the appearance of a ghost and his small lips that looked much too small for his face. The way that his bags could so easily be seen by at a glance and those narrowed cat-like eyes.

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