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"Was it here....?"
"Maybe it went into the bushes..?"
"...... Where the hell is it?"

It had been 10 minutes since Yoongi began searching for his cap and to say that he was tired would be an understatement - he was exhausted. He wanted to rip the bulky jacket off himself despite the cold breeze blowing the trees. As cold as it seemed to be, Yoongi was actually hot.

"Torture." He mumbled angrily, his oval eyes giving him the appearance of a cat and if they could, would be turned into slits right now.

Trying to wrap his head around the idea of exercise didn't accomplish anything. There were pros and cons to every situation but for the small male, all he could see were cons.

He hadn't run far so he couldn't understand why his hat was nowhere to be seen.

Making sure the check the bushes and in the grass, Yoongi felt tired of looking for his hat, the cap wasn't even the real reason for him turning around - that group was his real reason.

But the only reason was because they wanted to visit the bakery and he -

"No...." Yoongi stopped walking.

What he truly wanted, was to talk to them more. It was weird to explain, even weirder to admit that the male seemed infatuated with the group in under a mere 24 hours; how strange.

He began to shiver from the cold practically slapping his face every few seconds. Stuffing his pale hands into his jacket pockets, Yoongi trudged on, a bit disappointed that he had yet to spot his hat ... or the group.

I wish I had music...





"I can't believe he just ... ran?" Jimin stated, completely and utterly concerned but also, confused.
"Yeah.... that was odd..." J-Hope agreed.

Namjoon and Jin stood in front of their fanbase just as confused as Jimin, only, for a different reason - their reason caused panic to ensue. How could they forget the performance scheduled for today - their boss had reminded them not to forget, but of course they did.

During this entire time, Taehyung had been observing his members from the van. He was worried because though he couldn't hear what was happening, the panic on Namjoon's face and the confusion on J-Hope's made it evident that something was going on.

Opening the door as quietly as he could, (which clearly wasn't quiet enough because some fans still turned their heads in his direction) Taehyung descended from the van - looking like a prince dressed in jogging pants and a t-shirt. The fans rushed over to him within seconds.

"I thought V-oppa didn't come, but he did!"

Since the man's face remained stoic, Taehyung couldn't really express the discomfort he felt while being bombarded with questions. He glanced at his leader in distress, communicating with his eyes only and hoping that the intelligent one would understand. Now, he wasn't undermining Namjoon's intellect, but sometimes, Namjoon's actions made the male wonder...

Thankfully the leader received the 'telepathy' and made an announcement to the group. He had to speak rather loudly in order to get the attention of the obnoxious crowd.

"Guys!" He waited a few seconds until the voices quieted down to continue.
".... We need to leave okay? It's great to see you guys but an urgent matter has popped up and it's important that we cater to it."

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