Cuffed (Toby x Jane)

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Slight somno, handcuffs, sensory deprivation.

Toby woke up to the bedroom door opening. Still exhausted and rubbing his eyes, he looked at the clock. The bright red '1:45' hurt his eyes, and he turned to look at the door. "J-Jane? What do y-ou need? I thought you were on a t-rip or something?"
"I brought back a gift for you." She whispered. Toby noticed the bag she was holding behind her back. He sat up and scooted closer to the wall, making room for Jane. She sat down next to him and he laid his tired head in her lap as she opened the bag. Out came a pair of fuzzy red handcuffs.

Laughing slightly, "C-ute." Then she pulled out a blindfold.
"Too tired?" She asked. He shook his head, and she carefully put the blindfold over his head.
Toby could feel everything with electricity in his body as she took off his shirt and handcuffed his hands behind his back.
Jane rubbed him through his pants. He bucked his hips, desperately wanting more friction. She took his pants off for him. "How badly do you want this, Toby?" She teased as she messed with the top of his boxers. He whined in response. "Good boys use their words." She grabbed his chin and kissed right under his jawline lightly. "You want to be a good boy, right?"
"Y-yes. Please. Please call me th-at again."
"Only if you tell me what you want me to do~." He could feel her hot breath on his ear.
"Mistress.... m-mistress, please. I want you to make me c-um." He bit his lip, and she bit his neck.
"Anything for my good boy." She took his boxers off. He was already hard from her earlier teasing. He grew more as she stroked her hand up and down his member while swirling her tongue around one of his nipples.

His breath was heavy and his whimpers filled the room.
His nipple was exposed to the cold air as she took her mouth off his chest. She kissed his torso, trailing down until she reached his dick. She just barely licked the tip, but as soon as she did, a shiver went up Toby's spine.
With the blindfold on, he waited in anticipation for her to do something else. Every touch felt intensified by it. She licked up the side of his member and slowly put it in her mouth. She bobbed up and down, swirling her tongue around the base of the head. "H-hughhh~." Toby moaned as his body twitched.
He wanted so desperately to just grab her head and shove his dick down her throat, but with him handcuffed, all he could do was pathetically buck his hips and whine. "Pl-please, mistress, I'm about to cum. Uhn~~ fuck."

His breath became uneven, and he was so close to cumming, but Jane took her mouth off of him. She grabbed his shoulders and laid him down on his back on the bed. She uncuffed him so that his arms could be more comfortably placed in front of him, and then she put the cuffs back on.
She grabbed hold of the chain that linked them and dragged it above his head with one hand. With the other, she took off the underwear under her skirt. She was already wet as shed been touching herself while sucking Toby off.
She lowered herself onto him and rode him, slowly. All he wanted to do in that moment was grab ahold of her hips and slam himself into her, but she continued at her slow pace. His occasional twitches made her feel so good. "Mi-mistress!" He whined and struggled against the handcuffs.
"Hmm? What do you want, baby?" His heartbeat was rapid, as was his breath.
"Ple-ase. Please, mistress. Le-t let me grab your hi-ps and go fast. Please. Please Ja-ne." He was so desperate it turned Jane on.

"Okay Toby. I'll allow it." She uncuffed his right hand. As soon as she did he took off his blindfold and grabbed her hips. "He-y I didn't- hnn- I didn't s-say you could aaghh take that off." It was hard for her to get out any words as Toby roughly thrust himself inside of her.
"I'm in control, no-w." The cuff that was still on his left hand jangled around. Jane clenched the bed and looked like she was on the verge of tears.
"Fuck, fuck don't stop. Mmmm~." Toby could hardly even hear her anymore. All he could think about was how good she felt. His thrusts got sloppy, and he made deep, grumbly moans.
As he twitched inside of her, she moaned loudly and came on his throbbing cock. He fucked her harshly through the orgasm, causing her to moan louder than before.

Undoubtedly, some of the creepypasta's would hear what was happening and not be happy about it. It was a lot for her, and she could hardly hold her body up. She was leaning just inches above him as he continued to fuck into her.
He bit her neck as he began to cum. "Augh, hnnn." He whined with his mouth still on her neck as hot white liquid shot out of his dick and into her pussy. She collapsed on top of him. "W-was I too ro-ugh?"
"No. No, it was good." She was out of breath. She fell asleep on top of him as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Eventually, he also fell asleep.

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