Little Space (Slenderman x TM!Reader)

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Little space, hard kinks, caregiver, knife play, blood play, double penetration.
When reading this chapter, please recognize that this is a fantasy that would be very unethical to carry out in the real world.
Please skip this chapter if you can't handle sensitive and/or rough topics.
Irls, do not continue.

You had a rough day. School was stressful. Senior year, but poor grades caused you to be unsure if you'd even be able to graduate. You sat on your bed and sighed. Laying down, you grabbed a stuffed bear and held it close to you.
Closing your eyes, you started to drift off to sleep before you heard a knock at your door. You whined in reply and Slender came in. "Stressful day?" His deep voice resonated in your ears. You looked up at him and nodded. "Oh, cute sleepy boy." He picked you up and sat you down in his lap.

You snuggled into his breast and breathed in deeply. He smelled like the forest. Soft dirt, fresh air, green grass. You closed your eyes once more and Slender slid his hand in between your thighs. "Don't worry, baby boy. I can take care of everything myself while you rest." He rubbed you through your pants and you feel your mind slipping away.
You whined and bucked your hips against his hand. "Mmm, good boy~."

You grabbed ahold of his jacket, "D-daddy.." "Use your words, baby. What do you want?" You shook your head and pointed at your nightstand. On it, there was a medium-sized blue pocketknife. Recently sharpened.
He chuckled, "I said words, baby boy."
You hid your face in his chest and blushed, "I want you to cut me.."

He chuckled and grabbed the knife with one of his tendrils. He pulled out your left arm and ran the knife up and down your skin. "Such pretty skin, so soft. Beautiful." You looked away and grasped tightly onto his clothes. He did a light, fast cut along your forearm, and you took in a sharp breath. He shushed you and lightly pushed your face towards his. As you looked into his blank, pale face, you feel the concern radiating off of him. "Sweetie.. You know we can stop if it hurts. I'm only doing this because you want it."
"N-no no don't stop. I want it, even though it hurts. Please continue." You kissed each other, then he gave you two more cuts.

He put the knife back, as he could bear to hurt you no longer. He laid you back down on your bed and took off his jacket, then shirt and tie. You lazily began to take off your turtleneck as well. "No, baby. Let me take care of you." He treated you like you had the word 'Fragile' written across your forehead. Carefully taking off your shirt and sliding down your pants. He caressed your cheek while kissing you passionately. "Just rest while I use you, baby boy."
You could see the bulge in his pants as he slowly slid them down his legs. You blushed as he climbed atop of you.

He rubbed his bulge against you. "Feel that, baby boy? That's all you. That's all yours." You whined in response. He slid your underwear over your legs, giving soft kisses along the way. Then he slid off his own, exposing his hard member to the cool air. "You ready, baby?" One of his tendrils was rubbing against the entrance of your cunnie while he positioned his cock in front of your ass. You looked up at him innocently. He grabbed some lube and put a little on his dick, as well as your hole. You shivered from the cold, liquid substance.

He pushed himself inside of you, as well as one of his tendrils. You moaned loudly, overwhelmed by the feeling. Your mind went completely blank and your tongue lolled out as he thrust into you, deeper and harder and faster. "Oh, baby boy, fuck. You're so tight and perfect." He panted. "I love your body so damn much. You make me feel so good." His words washed over you like a hot shower, but your brain refused to come up with a reply.
"I uhn I, daddy, umm."
"Heh, heh, it's okay, pretty boy. You don't need to respond. That cute face you're making tells me more than enough."
He pounded into you faster and you moaned loudly as you came, "S-s-sorry daddy."
"Oh no, baby boy. I know how fast you cum. I'm close too though, baby, so you're gonna cum with me this time." He thrust into you again. You moaned loudly, still sensitive from already have cum. "I'll let you know when, okay?"

His breath got heavier, his thrusts sloppier. Sure signs that he was as close to cumming as you were. "One, nnn fuckk. Two." He held that two for longer than a second, enjoying the amount of torture you showed with having to wait to cum. "Three, cum with me, baby boy. Let it out." He took out his dick and tendril, leaving a white mess all over your tummy.

Both of you were panting as he fell down on the bed. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him tightly. You felt small in his arms. Safe. Protected. Warm. You snuggled up close to him and both fell asleep.

Before anyone asks: No. I'm not okay.

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