I Hate You (Jeff x Jane)

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Thank you to the A03 user who requested this
Hate Sex, Impact Play, Marks

Jeff emerged from the darkness outside into the brightly lit mansion. Silent, bloodied, and battered, he had clearly set out on a new hunt. From how angry he seemed, though, she must've gotten away.

Jane cocked her head to the side and smirked, "Aw, bad night?" she taunted, feigning sympathy. Jeff glared her down and began cleaning his knife in the sink. She took a sip of her tea, her voice laced with provocation. "Bit late for murder, isn't it? Couldn't handle the fight?" No answer came, only the rush of water in the sink. He took a rag and meticulously cleaned off the blood. "You've always been quite pathetic, I mean, you couldn't kill me, and you failed to kill Lui. Do you think this new one will come after you too?" She took another sip of her tea as she stared at his back. He moved on to the towel and dried off his knife.

"Jane. One day, you're going to die." He suddenly spoke, "Now, it might not be by my hand, it might not even be by a murder at all, but it will happen. You will die. And I can't wait." Jane scoffed and finished her tea, placing the cup in the sink.

"You'll die too, and I know. I know it'll be by my hand."

Jeff's body simmered with seething anger as he swiftly overpowered her, forcefully pressing her against the wall. She found herself trapped beneath his weight, defenseless and unarmed. Jeff still gripped his knife, while she possessed only her sharp tongue for retaliation. "It would be a shame to bloody my knife again, wouldn't it? So why don't you keep quiet?" His gaze didn't meet her eyes; instead, he twirled the knife between their faces, fixated on his own reflection within its gleaming blade. She didn't back down, however.

"You're a piece of shit, Jeff." Jeff sighed.

"I can't handle this right now." He threw his knife to the counter before grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head. "Are you really angry with me?" He teased, "Or do you just want this?"

He used his free hand to reach up her shirt. He played with the back of her bra. Her face flushed slightly. "Oh. I think I have my answer." Jeff said. He smashed his face and body against hers. He forced his tongue deep into her mouth. Jane grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled herself closer. Jeff put his leg in between her legs, which resulted in her grinding on his thigh. He pulled back and gripped the hem of her shirt. "So, this was what you really wanted then, huh?" He lifted her shirt up and over her body. "Fucking slut." He kissed her pale breasts.

"Sh-shut the fuck up. You want it too, don't lie." He played with the black border of her bra, almost threatening to slip his hand inside.

He harshly slapped her face, "Shut up, slut. Don't talk back." He left a red mark on her face. She held her face for a second before nodding. She roughly grabbed his face and kissed him. She pushed him back until he was leaning over the island in the kitchen. With her eyes closed, she blindly reached for his zipper. She unzipped his pants and slid it down slightly. She rubbed him through his boxers.

She pulled back from him and unclipped her bra, taking it off. She leaned over him. They breathed heavily but she didn't kiss him yet.

She reached her hand behind him and grabbed his knife. She placed it under his chin. "Wanna call me a fucking slut again?" Her words dripped with poison.

He looked down disapprovingly at the knife before answering, "No."

"Good. Good boy." She kissed him, keeping the knife close to his face. Using her free hand, she slid his boxers down. She placed her hand on his cock and lightly rubbed it up and down.

Jeff quickly grabbed her hand, attempting to fight the knife out of it. He got a slight cut on his face in the struggle. The blood slid down his neck. He got the knife and bent Jane over the counter. He laughed as he slid the knife down her back. She shivered at the cool metal. "Oh Jane, you cut me. Isn't it fair I leave some marks on you too?"

Jane didn't answer. Nothing she said would change his mind. He put the knife back on the counter, to Jane's surprise. He leaned over her, leaving small kisses on her back. His dick rested in between her thighs. She lightly ground against his hips and panted.

He bit her neck, harsh enough to draw blood. "You want me so bad. Say it, beg me for it." Jane did not respond. "I'm not going to fuck you until you do~."

"Fuck you."

Jeff bit her again, "That's no way to talk to someone who's cock you so desperately want." He pulled down her pants and rubbed his cock against her underwear. "Tell me how much you want it, Jane." Jane bit her lip, but still didn't answer.

Jeff rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance. He slipped her underwear to the side and rubbed her wetness with his cock. "Don't you want this? Tell me you want this." Jeff pleaded, his desperation evident.

"I. I want this." She whispered.

"Say it again."

"I want this, Jeff. I want you to fuck me. Please."

Jeff pressed his dick deep inside of her and she moaned. "Fuck, Jane. How can I hate you so much when you feel like this?" He chuckled. He moved slowly, but his dick reached deep inside of her.

"F-faster. Please." "Faster?" He laughed and went even slower.

"You don't like it slow?"

He thrust deep inside of her once more, "Pl-please Jeff." He laughed and quickened his thrusts. Her core tightened on his cock as she came.

"So quick to cum? But I'm not done yet." She got up and faced him, he picked her up and leaned her against the wall.

He once again thrust himself inside of her, "W-wait. Jeff. I'm too sensitive right now. Please wait." Jeff didn't pay attention to her and continued to fuck into her. She moaned loudly and tears ran down her face from how overstimulated she was.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Jeff moaned as he came, still thrusting his semen inside of her. "I still hate you." He said. "Fuck you." Jane said breathlessly.

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