Piercing pt.2 (EJ x Jane)

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Thank you to the A02 user who requested a part two
Almost Caught, Thigh Job, Morning Sex

Jane awoke to the pale light of the sun and the soft chirping of birds. The house was almost silent with no footsteps or voices. She stretched, soaking in the sweet smell of pine before getting out of bed. As she entered the hall, she felt a presence come close behind her. From his breath alone, she could tell it was Jack. He was breathing heavier than usual and put his arm around her stomach.
She laughed slightly, "Jack? Something wrong?" He pulled her closer to him, and she could feel the bulge in his pants. "Oh." She blushed. Still not saying anything, he began to grind against her. "Jack.. my room's right there. Let's continue in there."
His voice was rough, "No." He pulled his pants and briefs down. "Please, I want to stay right here."
"But what if someone wakes up? We'll get caught." She whispered in a panic.
"Let them see. I don't care." She bit her lips as he slid his cock in between her legs. The soft and muted light highlighted his piercing with a gentle shimmer. As she moved her hips back and forth, it created a beautiful contrast. The pale shimmering light versus the cool, dark shadows. 

"Too slow." He growled as he grasped her hips harshly. He used her body to get himself off. "Can I push your pants down?" He whispered into her ear. His hot breath sent an icy shiver down her spine. She nodded.
He pushed her pants down and put his hand inside of her underwear. He used his finger to rub her opening. "You're so wet already."
"Fr-friction.." she blurted out, flustered. He slid her panties down as well. He pressed his dick against the wetness. Jane let out a soft moan as he rubbed her with his cock.

She moaned loudly as it went inside of her. "Fuck. God, you feel so good. Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. You're just so wet it slipped in."
"No, no. It's okay. Don't take it out. Fuck me, please."
"Okay, okay. Still, sorry. I would've asked first, sorry." Jane put a hand over her mouth as Jack began fucking into her. It helped to stifle her moans, but they were still loud compared to the silence in the house.

A door down the hall creaked open. "Jack. Jack, someone's awake and coming into the hall. My room, Jack. Let's go." As she heard the footsteps approaching, her heart thumped in her chest. She grabbed his wrist and forced him into her room. As the door closed, she caught a glimpse of Ben walking down the hall. She quickly locked the door.
"Jack, what the hell? We almost got caught!"
"Sorry, sorry. I was just so into it. You just feel so good." Jack pushed her against the wall and, again, used his finger to rub her. She moaned as he inserted a finger. "God, you're so wet. Do you like the risk? Like that we almost got caught?" He took out his finger and sucked it. "If you want someone to watch, I can arrange that, you know."
"N-no. It's because of you.. I'm all wet because.. because I want you."

"I can arrange that too." He shoved himself inside of her. His piercing rubbed against her most sensitive spot as she let out a loud moan. "I thought you didn't want to get caught, yet you're being so loud.""I. I can't. Help it." She said breathlessly in between moans.
"Who was in the hall, Ben? Do you want him to hear? Do you want him to know how good you feel? Do you want him to be curious enough to come in? See you like this?"
"N-no. I.." She could hardly think, let alone sting together a coherent sentence. His thrusts became faster.
"When you cum, moan my name. Moan my name, Jane, moan my name."
Her stomach began to clench, her head became filled with white static. "J-Jack~." She moaned as she came on his dick. Jack took his dick out and used his hand to finish him off. His semen shooting out on Jane's back, coating her black shirt.

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