Good Boy (LJ x TM!Jeff)

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BIGGG Thank you to the AO3 user who requested thisMxTMPraise, Foot Stuff, "Fucking the Dysphoria Out"
P.S. This chapter features a character who uses he/xe/it pronouns. I will not tolerate pronoun discourse here. We're here to get horny, not argue. So fuck off with that shit.

Jack tapped his knuckles against Jeff's door. Jeff opened the door, in a black baggy hoodie, eyes fixed on the ground. "Hey." He said wistfully.
"What, not happy to see me?" Xe bit some dead skin off his lip and fidgeted with the doorframe, "Just didn't have a good day." It wasn't wearing shoes or socks, and had some tiny red shorts on.
"Wanna tell me about it? Need a distraction? Or advice? For me to just be around? Or to be gone?" Jeff rolled xir eyes.
"So many questions.." He grumbled and went back inside, leaving the door open.

Jack followed him inside, closing the door behind him. Jeff slumped down on the couch, folding its arms over his chest and pulling xir knees up to them as well. "So," Jack flopped his head on the back of the couch next to Jeff, "What's wrong?"
"Just... You sent me all those pictures today."
"Were you not feeling it? Did you want me to stop?"
"No, it's just.." Jeff pulled out its phone and opened the camera, posing for a selfie. Staring at his own features in the screen, applying different filters, trying different angles and posing xir face in different ways. Xe sighed and turned his phone off, setting it down.

"I've been feeling.. I wish I had a cock." Jeff tittered, looking away from Jack. Jack frowned as he sat down on the couch next to Jeff, considering his next words.

"You can make it a joke, but your feelings go deeper than that, right?" Jeff nodded, still refusing to make eye contact with Jack.

"I just feel you'd be better off with a real man.."
"You are a real man." It was a no-brainer for Jack. The response just fell out of his lips. "Having a cock doesn't make someone a man, but if it'd make you feel better, I'll give you mine," Jack smirked.
Jeff chuckled before looking into Jack's eyes. "Okay."
"O-okay? Right now?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Just wasn't expecting that to work so well, I guess." Jeff turned his body towards Jack, spreading xir legs and pushing its arms out to invite Jack in.

Jack came down on xim, allowing Jeff to hold him between his arms and legs. He leaves many small kisses on Jeff's neck, leading up to xir face. Its lips. He pressed his face against Jeff's and kissed it. Slow, light pecks at first. Then he'd slip his tongue in. Get aggressive with it. Press his body against Jeff's, trying to get as close as he could.
He backed up, taking his shirt off. Before he could go back to kissing Jeff, Jeff held him in place with his feet. It used xir foot to rub against Jack's bulge.

(A/N: This is where the foot stuff starts, if you wanna skip it go to the next note lol.)

"Wanna try something kinda.. Weird? Something new?" Jack knew what he was suggesting. He smirked and unzipped his pants. Jeff used its feet to slide them down just above Jack's knees. Xe again rubbed at Jack's bulge, this time only the thin fabric separated their skin from making contact.
Jeff struggled as it used his feet and toes to pull down Jack's boxers. Jack grabbed hold of xir feet, forming them into a little hole. He then stuck his cock inside, using Jeff's feet to get himself off.

"You're so pale.." Jack stared at what was visible of Jeff's body. Its feet were pale and soft, very clean. Jack wondered to himself if Jeff had cleaned them for this exact purpose.
"You're pretty pale yourself.." Jeff responded. Jeff was breathing more heavily than Jack, blushing bright red.
"You're really into this, aren't you? Jeff averted his gaze, yet the answer remained clear. Jack continued using Jeff's feet. "It feels really good. You feel really good," Jack moaned, "I gotta stop or I'm gonna cum too early."
Jack took his hands off Jeff's feet, but Jeff continued to move xir feet anyway.

(A/N: Okay foot stuff (mostly) over.)

"Haha, not yet. I wanna do other things with you too~." Jack pushed Jeff's legs back. "Wanna head to the bed?" Jeff nodded and Jack pulled up his clothes.
Jeff pulled them back down. "Haha, okay. No pants." Jack left his pants and underwear in the living room.

As they entered the room, Jeff pushed Jack onto the bed. "You wanna get on top?" Jeff took off its shorts, throwing them to the side. He got on top of Jack, straddling him and grinding against his cock. "You put it in whenever you want. This is your cock. You make all the decisions, okay?" Jeff continued to grind against him, making his boxers a wet mess.

Jeff took off xir boxers and tossed them to the side. Xe grabbed Jack's hand, guiding it to its cunt. "..Do you feel how wet you make me?" It asked meekly. Jack nodded, rubbing his fingers against Jeff, feeling how wet he was. "I like.. Showing you how wet I get."
"I like everything you like.." Jeff pushed Jack's hand away and grabbed hold of Jack's cock, preparing himself.

Jeff lowered ximself, moaning. "Feels good? That's you. That's your cock. Fuck yourself on your cock," Jeff moaned as xe rode Jack.
It bobbed up and down on 'his' cock. "Actually.. Can we switch? I just kinda.. I.."
"You're in control here, whatever you want."
"I just want you to fuck me till I can't think." Jack smirked.
"Sounds perfect."

Jeff got off of him and laid down on the bed. Jack got on top of it and pushed Jeff's legs back until xir knees were by its face. "You have such a perfect cunt." Jack said before pushing his cock deep inside Jeff. He thrust vigorously inside of Jeff as xe moaned.
He smirked at Jeff before leaning back to lick the bottom of Jeff's foot. There was a slight taste of soap, but for the most part, it just tasted like any other body part would.

Jeff pulled his foot away. "Too much?" Jack asked.
"N-no.. Just. Ticklish I guess. But like.. Ticklish good." Jack laughed before licking xir foot again, then deciding to just put Jeff's big toe in his mouth. As he slowly thrust, his tongue flicked around on Jeff's toe.
Jeff's body twitched about as he moaned. It put its arms above his head and gripped the pillow xir head was lying on.

Jack took his toe out of his mouth and thrust faster. He went closer down to Jeff's face as he roughly pounded into him. "You feel that? How amazing your cock is? You're a man. Say it. Tell me you're a man."
"I-I'm a man!" Jeff struggled to speak between its moans.
"Good boy~ where do you want your cock to cum?"
"I-Inside.." Jack purred and fucked Jeff in a circular motion, hitting a sensitive spot inside of xim.

Jeff's eyes glazed over and his tongue fell out of xir mouth as Jack fucked it through an orgasm. Jack's thrusts slowed down and got sloppy before his cock twitched inside of Jeff, spurting his cum inside of him. "Fuck, yes, fuck." He moaned as he fucked his cum into Jeff's cunt. "You're so fucking hot."
He sighed as he flopped down on the bed next to Jeff. Jeff was still panting, its eyes still glazed over. Jack got up and put a blanket over xim, kissing his forehead. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. "I'll go get you some water. I'm sorry you've been so dysphoric lately. I can't do much, but I hope this helped you feel better. Even if only for a moment."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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