Office (Slender x JTK)

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Ball gag, degradation, pain, bit of aftercare

Jeff wandered into the big, gothic style office that Slender spent most of his time in. He was out for the night and, presumably, wouldn't be back till morning. The room was silent and still. He flipped the switch on the wall and the room flooded with a warm light. The mansion's bedrooms were close to the office. With everyone asleep, or otherwise in their rooms, and Slender out of the house, Jeff knew this was the best place. He could be as loud as he needed to be.
He swept his fingers gently over the beautifully crafted wooden desk as he climbed into the chair that sat behind it. Slender let no one sit in that chair, but Jeff had learned to pick locks years ago.

He unzipped his pants and his face felt hot. He took his dick out and imagined what Slender would do if he came home to find him like that. Exposed. Vulnerable. Doing something he shouldn't be. Slender would punish him. God, how he wanted to be punished by Slender.
He bit his right knuckle as he rubbed up and down his hard, throbbing cock. Imagining what an angry Slender would do to him, he moaned loudly. "Fuck~ Slender~." He rubbed faster. "How do you get me like this without even being here? Without even touching me?" He whispered.

Suddenly, the doors to the room opened. Slender had come home early. They locked eyes, Jeff still holding his dick in his hand. He scoffed, "W-well, are you gonna just watch me finish myself or are you gonna fuckin' do it yourself?" Jeff said, feigning dominance.
Slender calmly closed the door behind him. He took off his tie, and then his shirt as he walked over to Jeff. Jeff gulped, "Yea, that's what I thought." When Slender reached him, Jeff was practically cowering under the tall man.
"You're not allowed in that chair, Jeff." He said calmly, but darkly.
"Psh, you're n-not the boss of me."
"Bad boys get punished."
Jeff stared up at him, "And what're you.. gonna.... do?" Jeff regretted the question as soon as it left his lips.

"I don't like your tone." He said harshly as he opened a drawer in his desk. He pulled out a ball gag. Jeff sat still as Slender put it around his head and placed the ball in his mouth. "Tsk, that's much better. Silent. Still. Obedient."

Slender took off Jeff's clothes, then took off the rest of his own. "God. You look so filthy, drooling over my cock with that gag in your mouth. If you'd been more obedient, you could have something much nicer in your mouth." He lightly slapped Jeff's cheek, causing a tiny whine to escape from him.
Slender now sat on the chair and Jeff sat on his lap, straddling him.
"I bet you feel so empty right now. You just desperately want this cock inside of you, don't you? Is that why you did this? So I would notice you? Punish you?" Slender grabbed Jeff's hands roughly and used them to jerk himself off. "You should be grateful I'm letting a dirty whore such as yourself even do this much to me. You're so greedy. Wanting more, I bet. Greedy little slut." His breathing got heavy and he eventually grabbed the arms of the chair, letting Jeff get him off. His chest rising and falling with the same pace as Jeff's hands pumping up and down.
Jeff ground on Slender's lap.

Slender slapped him, "Did I say you could do that? You're getting me off, not yourself. You decided to be a bad boy and defy rules." Slender harshly grabbed Jeff's hips and positioned his dick in front of his hole.
Jeff's eyes widened. He desperately tried to ask Slender to put some lube, but all that came out was "wa abu ube?"
Slender laughed darkly. "Aw, poor mutt. I can't understand you." He harshly shoved himself inside of Jeff. His back arched deeply and he harshly held onto Slender's back, digging his nails in a little bit. Tears welled up into his eyes. "Mm-" he gasped in pain. Slender began to roughly fuck into Jeff, who couldn't hold back any sounds. "Aa~" his muffled moans filled the room. He desperately wanted to moan Slender's name, but with the gag it was hard to understand what he had to say.
Slender took his hands off Jeff's hips, Jeff could ride dick on his own. He removed the gag from his mouth, "I wanna hear you say it."
"Nn~ s-say wh-at aahh~?" Jeff asked, now embarrased.
"My name." Slender said, grabbing his throat. "Say it."
"Mmn~ F-fuck Slender~ let me c-cum plea-se. Please Slender." Slender tightened the grip on Jeff's throat and moaned loudly.
"Nnn~ Jeff you're so tight, I'm gonna cum soon." Jeff bounced up and down on Slender's dick, going faster and faster as Slender rubbed his dick. 

"Cum with me." Jeff came all over Slender's stomach- and chair- as Slender came inside his ass. They panted. Jeff laid against Slender's chest, listening to the intense beat of his heart.
"How are you feeling?"
"I wasn't too rough, was I?"
"No, no. It was great."
"Okay, good." Slender pulled Jeff closer into his chest and combed his hair with his fingers. "Do you need anything? Any water?"

"I can get water later. I want to be with you. You better not fucking tell anyone else about this though." Slender chuckled. 

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