Casino (M!Grinny x Smile)

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Prostitution, Werewolves/werecats, Dubcon, Age Gap

I'm baaaaack,
Life Update/Explanation for where I've been at the end but tldr, my life sucks and I'm homeless so you better enjoy my smut and if you don't, keep it to yourself because I'm at my fucking limit.

"The more clothes you take off, the more money I'll give you."
"What?" He smirked. That stupid fucking smirk.
"You heard me. You need it and you're working here for free for the next few months. I'm giving you a way to earn some." I clenched my teeth, thinking back to how I got into this situation.

The casino was an overwhelming place. Before I was 15, my parents would hire a babysitter to go with me to get ice cream and dinner at the restaurant inside. I was finally allowed on that red and golden carpet that spread over the entire gambling floor. The machines were loud. Amidst a chaotic scene, a man shouted at a staff member, a woman cried behind him, and someone squealed with excitement over a big win. The lights were bright and warm, making the whole thing worse. Despite the loud chaos of the casino, the electric buzz of the lights was almost discernible.

I stood by my parents, trying to ignore how awful everything was. Though my family was affluent, their marriage was consistently unstable. They had me in a desperate attempt to rekindle their love and joy, but it didn't work. Until they started gambling.

They bonded over their addiction, slipping into a shared sickness, and they dragged me along. Every single time.

My tail twitched about uncomfortably, an aggressive and uninviting motion. My mom grabbed it harshly and smiled widely. "Behave." She said through gritted teeth, "It's your first time!"

My dad's smile lines grew deeper as he laughed, "Loosen up, kid!" She let go of my tail as they sat down at a table.

I stared at a man leaning against the wall. Well-dressed in a suit, his ears twitched in annoyance as he talked with someone on the phone. Irritated, he hung up, rubbed his eyes, then sat at the opposite end of the table.

My parents gossiped amongst themselves before remembering I was also here. My mother motioned for me to join in, and I begrudgingly leaned down to join it on the conversation. "His father died." She told me. I looked at her, waiting for more, but she didn't continue.

"So?" I whispered.

"He owns this hotel now! Don't you know anything?" I took another look at him.

An expensive gold watch on his wrist, his phone the most recent. There is no question about it. He has money.

He made eye contact with me and smirked, before standing back up and fixing his cuff. Before sauntering over to me, he whispered something to the croupier. He shook my hand, "I don't think I've seen you before."

"Not much of a gambler, just turned twenty-one." My mom smacked my leg slightly while staring up at me. She mouthed, 'Be nice.' I rolled my eyes and looked back at him.

"I'm Smile, but people just call me Smiley."

"I'm aware." My mom smacked me harder.

He turned to my parents. "You're the parents, yes? I've definitely seen you before." My father laughed heartily as my mother nodded.

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