Camping Trip (T!Hoodie x T!Toby)

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Request from @sleepyghostbear
Public/Outdoor Sex, Temperature Play, Light God Kink

Hoodie woke up and breathed in the cool air. The light was a muted blue all around. The misty morning left everything adorned with rain droplets. He turned to the side and noticed that Toby wasn't in the tent with him.
Standing up, he unzipped the tent, leaving and seeing the campfire was on. Toby was humming to himself, cooking some eggs. Hoodie stood by the fire, attempting to warm up.

Trees filled the surrounding area, isolating them from the rest of the world. "C-old?" Toby asked, without looking up from the eggs. Hoodie nodded, rubbing his arms up and down. You could see their breath in the morning air.
He placed some eggs on a plate and went to the tent, returning with his jacket and some ketchup. He handed Hoodie a plate with scrambled eggs and some sausages. The steam coming off of it was visible. He took the plate in his hands and Toby handed him the ketchup bottle. "I kept it w-with the drinks. I know you can only eat egg-ggs with ketchup."
"Thank you." As he ate the meal Toby prepared, he came up behind Hoodie and put his jacket on his shoulders.

He rubbed his shoulders and inched himself closer to him. He wrapped his hands around Hoodie, hugging him tightly. "Um, what's this all about?" He laughed. Toby didn't answer and buried his face into his back. "Did something happen? Are you okay?" He let go of him and Hoodie set the plate down, turning to face him.
He still doesn't answer, looking down at the ground. "Hey man, what's going on?" He looks up at him and closes the distance, kissing Hoodie.

He places his arms around his body, holding him. His tongue slips inside Hoodie's mouth and Hoodie kisses him back. His hands, still gloved, rub up and down his body.
He stops him and pants. Hoodie stares at him, confused. "Wh-what?"
He whines and fiddles with the hem of Hoodie's shirt. "I lik-e you, H-Hoodie. I like you a lot and, and... I ne-ed you. Right n-now."
"Need me?"
He nods, "Please.." He nods and Toby takes off his jackets. It's gotten a little warmer, but still cold.

He takes his gloves off and Hoodie shivers as his icy hands touch his torso under his shirt. He stops him from going up too far. "I.. I don't like being touched there."
"Okay." he murmured. He takes off his own shirt and Hoodie traces the scars on his torso.
Taking a cigarette from his pocket, he lights it. Toby takes a deep breath and exhales it away from him.

He unzips his pants and slides down his underwear with it. Pushing Hoodie's head down, he doesn't speak and continues to smoke. Hoodie goes down to his knees and sucks on his enlarged clit. Toby enjoys it, his twitching becomes worse, but he doesn't moan or say anything. He just continues smoking and holding Hoodie's head.
Toby stops him and they move back so he can lean against a tree and spread his legs further.
Hoodie uses his tongue to rub against Toby's wetness and he places the cigarette between his lips, holding his head with both hands. He grinds against Hoodie's tongue and twitches about, moaning.

"I-I wa-nt to-o fuck y-you." Toby continues to use his mouth and stare down at him.
Hoodie holds his head back to say, "Anything you want. You're a God and I'm just a disciple at your knees. I could never deny you." Hoodie grasps Toby's hand and uses it to caress his own face, planting a soft kiss on his palm.
He helps him up from his knees, putting his cigarette out on Hoodie's neck. It hurts, but he maintains eye contact. He kisses the burn mark, leading back to the tent.

Toby trifles through his things before pulling out a mid-sized black strap. "I-I brou-ght it, y-y'know. Ju-just in case. C-can I..?" Toby doesn't finish his sentence, but Hoodie knows what he's asking.
Hoodie nods, "Of course, my God." Toby grins and pulls Hoodie's pants down.
He grabs his shirt, "And th-this?"
"I'd prefer you didn't.." Toby nods and lets it go. Hoodie's boxers are removed by him and thrown.

He flips Hoodie's legs up by his shoulders, flexible. He rubs his clit against Hoodie's entrance. "F-fuck you're so-o wet.." He slides his tiny clit dick inside of Hoodie, moaning as he does it.
"Fuck.. I've never done this before. It's.. hot." Hoodie whispers. Toby grinds against him for a few minutes, both breathing heavily with occasional moans.
"I-it's so wa-rm.." Toby pulls bad, a line of wetness from Hoodie connecting them for a moment.

Toby puts the strap on and slaps it against Hoodie, hearing just how wet he is. "F-fuck.. You're so ho-ot. Th-ank you."
"Thank you?" Hoodie asks, "For what?"
"L-letting me fu-ck you." Toby shoves the strap inside of him.
Hoodie moans, "Oh my god. Oh, my God." Hoodie wrapped his legs around Toby's body, using his arms to pull him close. Toby continued fucking into him, biting his shoulder and leaving a deep mark. "Fuck, fuck, it feels so good." Hoodie whined. He bucked his hips against Toby's and Toby took it as a sign to fuck him deeper and harder.
He took his legs and placed them straight up. Toby's occasional twitches rubbed against parts of Hoodie that made him go crazy. Drool pooled out of his mouth as he placed an arm over his eyes. He came as Toby continued fucking into him.

Toby spread his legs and again forced them down by Hoodie's shoulders. He slowed down a little and fucked into Hoodie hard, a circular motion. Hoodie moaned, tiny tears of pleasure at the edge of his eyes. "Ah f-fuck I-I'm gonna.. gonna." He moved Hoodie's legs into a more comfortable position, and Hoodie once again wrapped his arms around Toby.
Hoodie dug his nails deep into Toby's back, pushing him over the edge. He came and pulled the strap out.

Exiting the tent, he cleaned it and returned, carrying a water bottle. He handed it to Hoodie, but he didn't drink it. He took the water bottle back and tilted Hoodie's head back. "Open your m-mouth." Hoodie opened his mouth and Toby spit in it before pouring in some water so Hoodie would drink it. "Now, w-what do you s-ay?"
"Thank you, God."

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