Piercing (EJ x Jane)

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Handcuffs, Prince Albert, Scalpel

Thank you to the AO3 commenter who requested this pairing.

Jane pushed open the door and Jack was there, cleaning a scalpel. Jack cleaned his equipment frequently, despite the cool, gray floors having been stained with blood over the years. The table in the middle of the room was stainless. Cold, gray, and shining in the bright white light.
He leaned against it, not looking up from the scalpel. "Hey Jane, what a pleasant surprise. You don't often visit me. Especially not here. What brings ya by?"
"The boys told me you lost a bet, gave yourself a piercing 2 months ago. Guess I was just curious."
"Oh? Want one for yourself?"
"Haha no."
"So you wanted to see mine?"
She chuckled slightly, "Well, maybe."
"You like pierced men?"
"Enough teasing. Let me see it."

"Okay, okay." He put his hands up in defense and set down his scalpel and towel. He took off his belt. "You know where it is, right?"
She walked up to him and unbuttoned the first button on his pants. "Of course I do." She watched as he undid the rest and unzipped the zipper. He let his pants fall to the floor and she could see his member, and the piercing, through his briefs. She dabbed her fingertip against the piercing, and Jack breathed in harshly through his teeth.
"It's sensitive."

Jane bent down onto her knees and lightly rubbed against his cock. She looked back up at him and he grabbed the scalpel again. He placed it under her jaw as they stared into each other's eyes.
She instantly moved away, pushing Jack onto the medical table, and locked him on it with handcuffs. Jane wrestled the scalpel out of his grip and straddled him. Laughing, she said, "You think you're the one in charge here? Oh, honey.."

He didn't struggle or try to free himself. "I don't care who's in charge. I've got my pants off and a beautiful woman on my lap. My days going pretty good." With his one free hand, he ran his fingertips up Jane's shirt and smiled up at her. She gazed down at him and shifted her hips. He whined, "Be careful. Please."
She laughed quietly, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." She ground her hips against him. He whined more uncontrollably.
"I, It's sensitive. I told you." He closed his eyes and raised his hips. She felt his piercing gently grazing her through his boxers. Through her pants. She took off her shirt and gripped his hand against her waist.

"Hold me here." And he did. She ground against him harder and eventually unclipped her bra. Jack looked at her pale, half-clothed body. Enamored, enchanted, horny. He played with the edge of her jeans, whining.
"Enough teasing, let me.." She laughed and got off the table. She slips off her pants, her underwear. Jack tried to remove his briefs with his free hand, but he only got it halfway. She giggled, watching him. "Little help?"
"Nah. I like you looking desperate." He scoffed and kept trying.
Looking up into Jane's eyes, he said, "Please, Jane. Please help me so I can fuck you. Please."

"Haha Okay." She slid his underwear down to his mid-thigh. Once again, she got on the table, this time shuddering at the cold metal under her legs. She sat just above his shaft. She felt the metal of the piercing trying to poke its way in.
Grasping hold of it, she lowered herself. As it twitched inside of her, the piercing rubbed against her most sensitive spots. "Ah~ I didn't expect it to be such a big change."
He chuckled slightly. "Like it?" Jane didn't answer, she just raised herself up and down on him. With how sensitive the piercing was making her, she was struggling and slow. She was panting, but not allowing herself to moan. "Struggling?" He teased. "You know, if you uncuffed me, I could grab those hips of yours. Help you out." She scoffed and ignored him, "C'mon, this is slow torture. You know it."

She finally relented, taking him out of her. She uncuffed him from the table. He grabbed her hips and roughly bent her over the table. "Who's in charge now?" He smirked. He smacked her ass and pressed his dick right up against her. "You want to continue?" She blushed and didn't respond. "Guess not." He rubbed against her, then backed up, but kept his arm over her back so she couldn't get up. She squirmed, trying to get out from under him. "Haha, no. That won't work, girlie. You've gotta ask me for it."
She sighed, "Please, Jack." She said, quietly.
"Please what?" She breathed in heavily, taking in the embarrassment of what she was about to say. The metal and cleaning chemicals made the room smell like bleach and pennies.
"Please fuck me?" He pushed his dick inside of her harshly.

He grabbed hold of her hips and went feral, thrusting fast and deep inside of her. She moaned, loud and uncontrolled. She gripped the side of the table as one of her legs slipped, but Jack kept going. He slowed down to kiss her back. He grasped a hand onto her breast, continuing to slowly fuck into her. "You're beautiful."
He got back up and once again picked up the pace. Thrashing his cock into her, with his piercing rubbing against her g-spot, Jane couldn't handle it. She put her head down and moaned loudly as she came. He fucked her straight through her orgasm, making her more sensitive, louder. He took himself out of her and flipped her over so they were now facing each other.
Her hair was a mess, so he brushed it out of her face. "I love your hair, and that face you're making now is so cute." Jane couldn't pay attention to his words as she panted. He laughed before pushing himself inside again. He leaned down to kiss her as she moaned into his mouth. Eventually, his thrusts got sloppy. He stopped kissing her and moaned as well, "I'm close." Panting, he stopped and used his hand to finish himself off. He coated her tummy in sticky, white goo. His dick twitched and both of them laid on the table, panting and trying to recover.

"That was fun. You should visit me here more often."
"Should I?" Jane looked at him and laughed, "Yea. Yea, I should."

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