Blurry (Jeff x Fem!Reader)

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Request from sasusakushipper13
Blindfolded, drugged (noncon), restraints

You woke up in a small, dimly lit room. A metallic smell filled the air, almost like pennies. Or blood. There was nothing else in the room but a cool, metal chair beneath you. Dizzy and disoriented, you tried to stand up and turn around, only to realize that someone had bound you to the chair.
The last thing you were doing, what was it? You were in your house, planning to go to sleep and... That's it? Suddenly here.

The loud clunk and quiet creek of a metal door sounded from behind you. Scraping metal echoed as a pale man ran his blade along the wall, reaching the other side of the room without looking at you. You tried to look closer at the wall, see if there were marks from where he had done this before, but everything was so blurry.
Despite your fear, you could not do or say anything as he turned to face you. You're just so. Tired. You lower your head, feeling too tired to keep it up. "Aw.. tired? The source of his voice was unclear.

He placed his knife under your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "Oh, I just love it when you get like this... so tired. So prepared for my cock." He leaned forward and kissed you. He forced his tongue inside with no resistance.
Is this a dream? This hardly feels real. Who is this guy, anyway? You've never seen him before. Pale, slits alongside the side of his mouth, giving him a deep smile. No eyelids, making his eyes appear dirty and yellow and glazed over. Like a snake waiting for his meal.

He places some cloth around your head, covering your eyes. You attempt to speak, but all that comes out is a pathetic whine. "Shh, shh. Don't speak. Save your energy on savoring this." He undoes the rope holding you in place and helps you walk to somewhere else.
You try to remember the steps, the turns, the sounds, the feelings. By the time you get where he wants to, you can't even remember the color of the walls in the room.

You enter a building as he continues to lead you around. Your clothes come off, but you somehow don't notice until you feel the cold air on your naked body. He places you somewhere soft, laying down. A bed, which he then ties you to.
You attempt to fight back against him, but your body feels like jelly and it's not much of a struggle. He keeps your legs spread apart and your hands above your head. "God.. you're so hot." Cloth shuffling and his movements echo through the room, making it challenging to pinpoint his whereabouts in the room.

His hands rub up and down on your thighs. Every touch feels like a blast of energy. He'll stroke you and then stop for a few seconds, letting you wonder. Sit in anticipation of what he'll do next. He brushes his fingers against your pussy.

Attempting to communicate with him, urging him to cease and release you, only results in a pathetic whine escaping your lips. "You like that? You want more?"

As you contemplate speaking once more, you realize it would be pointless. You give up. You say nothing and sit still, letting him do whatever he wants to you.
He laughs, "Good girl, that's it. Just let it happen. Just feel good." He slides a finger inside. "Do you even know how wet you are? Can you feel it?"
You can almost feel the buzz of excitement in his voice. Excitement that you've given up. Licking up the side of your face, he then inserts another finger, moving them in and out.

He stops and gets on top of you. "Are you ready?" He rubs his cock against you. You moan before biting your lip. "Don't hold back, I like when you're loud~."
He thrusts his cock deep inside of you and you moan. He hunches over you and licks your armpit as he continues to fuck into you.

You moan as the blindfold slips. As your vision clears, you notice the room wrapped in a cozy, lived-in embrace, its inviting atmosphere enveloping you with unexpected warmth. A small comfort as you imagine what kind of person he is when he's not doing this.
Pretending you are anywhere else. Blurry shelves and journals fill the room.

He stops licking you and looks you in the eyes, smirking. "Guess I didn't tie it hard enough. It's okay. You can watch." He brushes away the blindfold and kisses you.
You close your eyes, but don't kiss him back. His thrusts are rough and harsh as he breathes more heavily than before.
Sloppily moving his hips, he unloads his cum deep inside of you. You can feel his cock twitching as he lets it all out.

You hear him pick up something metal. "Hey, maybe you'll get pregnant?" He smiles and licks a blade as he stares at you. You panic. Is he going to kill you? Or let you go? What if you do get pregnant?
He lightly glides the blade along your arms. "Don't worry." He laughs, "I'll make sure it won't happen..."

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