Saccharine (Laughing Jack x TM!Reader)

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Jack exited the bathroom, beads of water still clung to his black hair. You blushed and glanced back at your phone. He put on a pair of sweatpants, then laid on the lower part of the bed and looked up at you. "What are you doing?"
"Just watching some YouTube." You focused on your phone screen. He climbed his way between your legs, resting his head on your stomach. You looked back at him, "Hi, Jack." He frowned and whined.
"Pay attention to me." You chuckled and put your phone down, petting his head. He smiled warmly and closed his eyes. Lifted your shirt slightly and gave you kisses. He started biting a little and giving you hickeys.

Soon, his entire head was under your shirt as he swirled his tongue around your nipples. Your breathing got heavy, "J-Jack." He chuckled and lowered his trail of kisses. He reached your pants and slowly slid them down, rubbing on your soft legs as he did so.
"Mmm, (Y/n), you're so wonderful." He rubbed you through your underwear while making complete eye contact with you.
"I love you, Jack."
"I love you too." He pushed one of his fingers a little further than the rest. He hooked that finger around the rim of your underwear. "Can I?" You nodded, and he slipped them off of you.

He put his tongue inside your wetness. You whined and bit your lip, which made him smirk. He licked inside of you, all around. Up and down. It felt so good you couldn't keep quiet. "A-ah Ja-ack. It's to-o much. Yo-u're too good mmnnn." Jack roughly gripped your thighs and pulled you closer to him. Your eyes were closed and your mouth was wide open as you continued to moan loudly. You had to use all your strength to stop your legs from clenching around his head. Your stomach was all in a knot from pleasure.
"You're so amazing puppy. Mmmm." His breath was hot and his deep voice vibrated in your mind and body. You came right then. Your thighs closed around his head and you grabbed his hair.
"Ja-aack~." He looked up at you innocently.
"Do I really make you feel that good, puppy?" You nodded and released him from the grip of your legs. You climbed on top of him.

"Let me return the favor?" You bit his neck and kissed him. You took off his pants and harshly tugged down his boxers. His large member twitched in front of you. You teased the tip, licking it. You grasped it and rubbed it up and down. You put the head in, then took it out. He was panting. You pushed a few stray hairs out of your face and took him inside of your mouth.
"F-fuck." He mumbled. You looked up into his eyes, innocently, as you took him all the way in. You went faster, then would slow down. Letting him enjoy your mouth. On your third time going fast, he spurted his white, hot, sticky liquid down your throat. It pooled out of your mouth and created a mess over both of you and the bed. With cum covering your chin and mouth, you looked at him and smiled.

Sorry for making so much TM content, I'm self-indulgent.

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