Entertainment (Ticci Toby x Ben)

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Thank you to the guest on A03 who requested this.
First time, Awkward, Games

Toby wandered into Ben's room. As per usual, he was playing video games. Toby flopped down on the bed, but Ben somehow didn't notice. He sat on the floor, with his back leaning against his bed. Toby crawled towards him and rested his head on top of Bens. Ben yelped at the sudden presence and pushed Toby off of him. "Oh. It's just you."
"Just m-me?" Toby put a hand to chest, mocking offense, but Ben paid him no mind. Toby picked up a second controller and sat down next to Ben. "W-wanna play a game?"
"Already am."
"With me?" Ben just gestured to the controller.
"You know what to do."
"We-ll yes, that t-too. But I'm t-talking about something more f-fun." Ben's eyebrow cocked up, and he paused his game to look at Toby. "I b-et I could beat y-you in Mario Kart." Ben rolled his eyes.
"I doubt it."
"How a-about a compe-tition?"
"What do I get if I win?"
"Whatever y-ou want." Ben thought to himself for a second.
"If I win..." He stared at Toby, "You'll play a game that I want." He smirked.
Toby shrugged, "And If I w-win, you'll suck my co-ck?" Ben's smirk disappeared, and he blushed bright red.

"You pervert! That's what you wanted all along, isn't it?" Toby nodded with no shame. "Well, fine! You won't win anyways."

Ben switched the game, and they chose a map together. Rainbow road. Toby tried some cheap tricks during the race in an attempt to distract Ben, but eventually Ben claimed victory. "D-damn." Toby cursed. "But don't yo-u want to anyways?" Toby begged as he got close to Ben's face.
He pressed his lips against Ben's. He gave him some soft, small kisses before he smashed their lips together and pushed his tongue into Ben's mouth. Ben moaned slightly as he grabbed onto Toby's arms. They parted, and Ben breathed heavily. "Hmm?"
"No. I won, so we'll play my game." Ben was still breathless and holding onto Toby's arms, which were holding his face. Toby let go and groaned.
"F-fine. What game?" Ben bit his lip and looked down Toby's shirt.
"For every Mario round I win, you take off an article of clothing..."
"Oh? A-and when I w-in you'll do the sa-me?" Ben nodded. "Well, okay."

They started up another game and, just as before, Ben won. Toby looked at him and laughed as he slowly and jokingly seductively took off a single sock. "Be as slow as you want. I'm winning every round anyways." Ben won another round and Toby took off his second sock. Three rounds of winning had gotten Ben cocky, Toby won the net round and Ben wasn't wearing socks initially. "This isn't fair. You had more layers."
"N-not my prob-lem. Take it o-off." As Ben raised his shirt, Toby placed his icy hands on Ben's torso. Ben shivered, but continued and took his shirt off.
Toby places his mouth over one of Ben's nipples and sucked on it. "H-hey, we're not done with the game.." Toby stopped and picked up the controller.
"F-fine, let's pl-ay." Ben wins the next two rounds, causing Toby to reveal his scarred body. His boxers also did little to contain the reason he stopped by Ben's room.

Toby caught Ben staring at it, "Like w-what you see? Go o-n, try it." Toby put his member close to Ben's face. Ben, to Toby's surprise, obliged. Ben lightly licked the bulge, getting Toby's boxers wet.
"Oh no, guess you should take them off." He said, deadpan, as he stuck his tongue out. Egging Toby on. Toby took off his boxers and grabbed Ben's hair.
"D-do you want this?" Ben nods.
"Are you su-re? You re-ally want i-it?"
"Yes, please."
"Th-then beg."
"Beg. B-beg for it." Ben shifts awkwardly.
"I've never really.. done stuff like this before." Toby lets go of Ben's face and looks him deep in the eyes.

"Y-you know something? Me ne-ither."
"What? But you seem so confident!"
"I fig-ured you'd like th-that, I thought.. I t-hought you were... e-experienced." Ben laughed and Toby joined in. "I just w-ant to.. feel g-good. And make yo-you feel good." Ben leaned forward and kissed Toby. As they kissed, Toby got on top of Ben. Ben's hands explored Toby's back, and Toby appreciated the warmth.
Toby began to grind against Ben's clothes. "Do y-you want to move to the bed?" He whispered. Ben nodded and took off his clothes before laying on the bed. Toby mounted him again. He grasped Ben's member and stroked it up and down. He slid down the bed and stared up at Ben from between his legs.
"I-I thought you wanted me to do this to you."
"Y-yea, but this'll be f-un too."

Toby parted his lips and inserted Ben's member into his mouth. Ben moaned a little as Toby sucked him up and down. His tongue swirled around the tip as his palm pumped the base. He withdrew his hand and tried to deep-throat Ben. He succeeded, but it made him gag a little, so he took it out of his mouth. He breathed in deeply and looked back up at Ben. "G-good?"
Ben nodded, "Great." Toby smiled at him before getting back on top of him and placing his legs on his shoulders. He positioned his shaft in front of Ben's hole.
"W-wait... kiss me more first. Please."
"Of co-urse." Toby leaned forward and kissed Ben.

His cock poked at Ben's hole, causing Ben to moan into the kiss. Ben pulled back. "I'm ready now." Toby thrust himself inside of Ben and they both moaned. The thick scent of their sweat clung in the air as the room filled with the sounds of their bodies and moans. Toby thrust deep and hard into Ben, to the point Ben could barely speak. Toby's occasional twitches rubbed against Ben's prostate and made him feel amazing. "Toby.. you feel amazing," Ben said between thrusts.
"T-trust m-e Ben, y-you do t-oo." Toby's thrusts got faster as Ben's hips bucked against Toby's.
Ben moaned, "Toby.. don't stop. Don't stop." Toby leaned forward as he continued to thrust into Ben and bit the crook of his neck. The pain was sharp but bearable.

Toby finally let go as they both came, spilling their sticky liquid everywhere. He had left a mark on Ben's body that didn't look like it would be going away anytime soon. "Sorry." Toby laughed as he brushed over the mark, smiling at Ben.
"Don't worry about it. I'll get you back, eventually." Ben laughed as they cuddled in his bed.

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