Chapter 7

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May 12th, 2029

1445 hours

CIA Academy of Espionage

Erica's POV

I just finished up some paperwork, about 45 minutes after my last class had ended. The students had all but left, the stragglers wanting to get some extra advice. I submitted my reports into the online system and then packed up my laptop and binder, throwing out any remaining garbage on my desk.

I walked out of the building towards the parking lot. I entered the car and began to drive home.

I thought about what could be going on now. Someone important must have been the leaker. I needed to know who and if I could somehow find them. I didn't know who it could be outside of my family, and Chip and Jawa. I guess it could be either of the last 2, but they wouldn't have been at school today if that was the case. I had seen them outside just before I left.

I drove through an intersection and met the traffic. A 5 minute drive would probably take about 15 minutes now.

I dialled my mom.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey mom," I replied.

"Erica, how can I help?" I heard the oven beep in the background.

"Do you know?"

"About what?" She said coyly, but I knew that she knew already.

"Do you know who it is?"

"No, I only got word from Cyrus about the situation. Not the actual person. But I am interested on who it might be. Has to be someone important."

"Well, I don't know either. Let me know if you find something."

"You know I won't."

"Of course not." I was about to hang up the phone when my mom said something.

"Oh, Erica, can I come over in about half an hour? I just finished this first batch of muffins and the second one will be done soon."

"You might need to make 3 the way Ben is going to devour them."

I heard her laugh on the other end.

"Take care, Erica."

"You too, Mom."

The traffic had miraculously still not moved forward. I rested my hand against my forehead. This was going to take a while.

Ben's POV

"Your call has been forwarded to a ..."

I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. Emma was sitting nearby trying to get her teddy bear to sit up straight. 

I had called Mike 10 times, and every single one went to voicemail.

I knew that Mike and Zoe had something going on, but I didn't know what it was exactly. I didn't even have Zoe's number, which was weird because I swore I did, so instead I had tried to call Mike.

"Why dad mad?" Emma asked from where she was on the ground.

I went over and picked her up.

"Dad's friend isn't picking up the phone," I explained to her, as I spun her around slowly in the air.

I brought her to a stop and sat down with her on the ground.

"Good thing I'm dad's best friend," she said as she brought Bella over towards me.

"Yes, yes, you are right," I said laughing. 

I let her set up a tea party with her and her stuffed bear and doll, and then I sipped some tea that Emma served me. She went to her little kitchen set and started to clean the dishes, so I went back to the bed to try again.

It ringed once before someone picked up.

"Hello?" I heard someone on the other end say frantically.

"Mike?" I asked. "I've been trying to reach you for a while now."

"I - I know. Look I don't have much time to talk."

"Well I need some answers."

"I know, I know, and I'm sure you know the situation with Zoe, but you just gotta trust me right now."

"Mike where are you right now?"

"You know I can't tell you that."

"Mike I want to help you. I don't think that you and Zoe are moles."

"I -". I heard Zoe in the background call out for Mike.

"Sorry, gotta go." He hung up the phone. 

I immediately tried to call back but it instantly went to voicemail. He had turned his phone completely off. 

I sat down on the bed with my head in my hands. I debated going to look at the drive again, but I had already put it back in it's spot, and Erica was due back any time soon.

Speaking of her, I can't believe she kept something like this from me. I thought we were done hiding secrets from each other. The fact that she kept me in the dark about Zoe being a possible double agent seemed absurd. I couldn't believe her.

But should I tell her? I don't know. She must have a good reason for not telling me. Maybe something about this affects me? I don't know.

Maybe I should wait to see how long it will take for her to tell me? Then I could judge how serious she thought this was that I should know. 

This was all so confusing. I didn't want our family to rip apart, especially with Emma being so young. I looked over at her and she seemed innocent as could be, having fun with her toys.

I wish she could stay a child forever. I don't want her to grow up and realize the struggles of being an adult.

Erica's POV

I finally got through all of the traffic and pulled into our house. I walked in and saw Ben cooking something with Emma waiting in the baby chair. I came over and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"No kiss for me?" Ben said with a fake pouty face. So I went over and kissed him, which seemed to lighten his spirits.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Not bad, you?"

"Oh you know, this little girl is quite the entertainer."

Emma was talking to her teddy bear, who was sitting next to her, about the dinner table rules.

"Always wipe face if you feel something on it," she said.

I smirked and looked over at what Ben was cooking.

"Fajitas," I said. "Interesting."

"Thought I would try something new."

"Looks good. I'm going to take a shower. And also, my mom is coming to drop some things off. She'll be here in 10 or 15 minutes."

"Ok honey." 

I walked upstairs and quickly grabbed the USB drive, then headed into the bathroom. I shut and locked the door, then took out my phone and plugged in the USB adapter. I plugged the drive in and turned on the shower. 

I quickly accessed the moles file and saw what I was looking for.

Zoe Zibbell.

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