Chapter 19

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May 17th, 2029

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1100 hours

Erica's POV

I was lying in bed in the hotel, Emma by my side. I had my spy suit on and everything. I was just waiting now. 

It seemed like an eternity. This anxiousness inside of me wasn't letting up, and I didn't know how to calm myself down.

After what seemed like forever, I heard a knock on the door. I sprang up and opened it. My parents were here.

"Hi mom, dad," I said, letting them in.

"Hi sweetheart," my mom said. She put her bag on the ground next to the bed and went over to see Emma. "How's my favourite granddaughter?" she said.

She picked up Emma and gave her a hug. For the first time since me and Ben had been together Emma was smiling. 

"This will be interesting sleeping quarters," my dad remarked.

"There's a pullout coach," I said with a smirk.

"I see," he replied. "Where is Benjamin?" My smirk was instantly wiped from my face. 

"He ... uhm ... he is out in the field right now," I said awkwardly.

My mom just looked at me. She instantly knew what was going on. My dad on the other hand actually believed it, so at least I didn't have to air the dirty laundry out loud.

"Soooo ... " Catherine said. "When do we get started?"


I had brought them to the factory that I scoped out yesterday, this time using a cab and switching 3 times on the way there. You know, standard spy things. 

We got out from the cab about a quarter mile away and walked to the destination. Emma was walking along right with us. She didn't want to be carried.

Once we reached the factory we all took peeks at what we were working with. There were no present guards around and no signs of life at all, meaning that what was going on was on the inside. There wasn't even any trucks outside. It simply was an abandoned factory. Catherine and Alexander looked at the front while Emma and I went around back. 

There was nothing but a brick wall separating us from the factory. I scaled it easily holding on to Emma until we reached the other side. I dropped her down as soon as we made it over.

I headed towards the back door of the factory and pressed my ear against it, listening for any sounds. I found nothing. Tentatively, I tried the handle, but it was locked.

I moved to the left of the door and saw an open window, old fashioned style, with the glass tilted at an angle to let air in. The decaying wall provided enough hand and foot holds, so I got Emma to wrap her arms around my neck and climbed up the wall and through the window. 

Before dropping down, I listened once again for the sound of anything, but it was in vain. I dropped onto the ground without the hint of a sound, spry as can be. Emma got off my back and stayed behind me.

I crawled forward. The area we had landed in was a modified kitchen, obviously updated for recent times. There were dirty dishes with what looked like lasagna in the sink. I looked into the factory and saw that there were sleeping areas, with mattresses, pillows, and blankets on the ground. But no one was in here. It looked as if they had left in a hurry, clothes astray and mattresses tilted.

Catherine and Alexander came from around the corner. Same answer. 

I just stood against the wall, frustrated. There was nothing of substance here anywhere. Nothing that could give us their whereabouts, absolutely nothing. 

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