Chapter 18

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May 16th, 2029

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2130 hours

Ben's POV

I had been at the construction site for a while now. I was watching the workers patrol. Weird that construction workers, were, well not working construction. I made sure to take a mental note of that. I had managed to get on top of a platform at the corner of the site without being noticed.

I was sitting up there watching the guards. When they came closer underneath me, I could hear what they were saying.

Most of the talk was just about life and how easy the job was. It was getting boring.

I had looked around the site while I was up here and saw what was going on. It seemed as though they had excavated a hole in the middle of the site. I'm not sure what it was for, but it looked like something large was going to be put in there.

I had heard recently from the chatter that there was going to be something delivered tonight, and that was why they were still here standing around.

I put on my binoculars and zoomed into the hole, toggling on night vision. I saw divets in the sides of the wall, meaning it wasn't a perfect cylindrical item.

I looked around the site, taking in the surroundings around it. There was a large solar panel farm on two sides, with the other two sides on an intersection with high rise buildings on it. A bit behind the site, there was an overpass that took commuters towards Toronto airport.

I focused back on counting the workers. There was 7 of them on the site. From what I could tell, they didn't know that this was much worse than it actually was. They were probably true construction workers, hired to a shell company which was B&B. I opened up my phone to search for B&B on the internet. I found what looked like a genuine homepage.

It outlined their services, their commitment to customer satisfaction, their outlook, and their quotes. Under the careers section, it had their pay wages as well.

To no ones surprise, the company was founded recently. One of their "missions" was to deliver fast, reliable work, so everyday people wouldn't be affected as much. After my training at the Spy School Academy and recent events in the field, I could very obviously tell this was just a cover for other reasons.

I stopped scrolling through their website and went back to the google search, seeing if there were any other links. There were a few news story about a new construction company working in North America, etc.

As I clicked on the first link, the website didn't load. I looked at the indicator on my screen and it said I had No Service.

That was weird. I reloaded the page and it worked this time. I was about to start reading the article on the creation of the company when I heard the guards running below me. I turned my phone off and looked down in the binoculars. They were moving towards the entrance of the site. They lifted the barriers.

I watched as a large cargo truck entered the site and parked on the dirt so that it's cargo door was facing the hole in the ground. I watched as the driver hopped out and helped the workers unload the package.

It was a large, cylindrical black object. It had blue outlines around the base and top. The workers all picked it up on their shoulders and moved it to the hole. I could tell it was heavy by their grunting and moaning.

Once they got it near the hole they put it on the ground and pushed it in. I heard a loud sound as it hit the bottom of the pit, then a hiss and a click as I assumed the item went into place properly. I took a photo of it on my phone.

The top of the object stuck out a bit from the edge of the hole. The workers put a tarp on it to cover up, and then cinderblocks on edges of the tarp to hold it in place. Then they all headed out, stowed in the back of the delivery drivers truck.

I was about to jump down and take a closer look when I saw another 3 cars come in. Each had 4 people, and they were dressed as construction workers. But they had bulletproof armour on and weapons present. These were obviously security guards.

With Erica, I could take them. Without her, I couldn't.

I sighed and watched the guards, taking photo of them and the gear. After I got a couple, I made my way down on the outside of the construction site and quickly crossed the seat, before slowing to a normal pace and walking back towards the downtown of Toronto.

Erica's POV

I was stationed in a car by the construction site. I had, "borrowed" it from the hotel staff. They had just started their night shift so I would be sure to return it before them. Emma was sitting in the passenger seat. Not safe, but I found a workaround. I had used a cardboard box that had soap bars in it. I took it from a maids cart and Emma was sitting on it now.

I watched as the delivery truck left the site. I waited until they had passed me and went on for a bit, then started to tail them.

I hadn't been able to see what they had delivered, but I could always come back and look. Following them now would give me insight on more information.

Emma was simply looking out of the window as we tailed the truck. I'm sure she was thinking about Ben, as I was too. I wonder what he's doing right now.

After a couple of turns the truck pulled into a lot at an abandoned factory. I parked across the street on the road.

I watched as 7 workers jumped out of the truck and into the factory, as well as the driver. I took photos.

I would have to wait to go in.

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