Chapter 11

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May 14th, 2029

1545 hours

CIA Academy of Espionage

Ben's POV

I watched as kids streamed from outdoors to indoors in rapid succession. The administration had called for a lockdown to see how prepared the kids were to handle such a situation. As a teacher, I was supposed to be assisting with it.

Once I saw the last student in the area I was watching go inside, I headed to the dorm rooms, where I would be checking for students. I sprinted up to the top floor and made my way down. Most of the students weren't in their dorm, as I was guessing that they had went to the library or cafeteria instead. The ones that were, however, had all followed proper procedure. I returned to my lookout position and waited.

After a few minutes, the announcement went out to cease the drill. I headed downstairs, saying hi to a few of my students before reaching the parking lot. 

I saw Erica standing beside the car looking out at the campus. I hurried over to her and got in the car. 

I drove her home in comfortable silence. There was nothing awkward. I was glad that the argument from before seemed to have boiled over. 

I parked in the driveway and went to open the door, which was unlocked. I went inside and saw Trixie playing with Emma, as the daycare was closed today. 

"Hi Dad," I heard Emma say while Trixie was trying to tickle her. I guess she wasn't ticklish now? I could've sworn it was different before.

"You little super spy baby," I heard Erica's sister say. "What's your weakness?"

"Salad," I heard her say as I opened the fridge, and that earned a scolding from Trixie.

Speaking of salad, I got myself out some ribs that I had made last night, because who eats salad.

Erica elected for some kind of protein shake. 

After I was done eating I headed upstairs to the study. I had a lot of work to grade from school. Erica was planning on doing some kind of workout with Emma, so I had time to myself.

I pulled out the math projects that students had submitted today. I wanted to hand them back tomorrow so they could study and fix their mistakes for the upcoming test. 

I started with the one on the top pile.

A few mistakes here and there, but nothing too shabby.

Onto the next one.

And the next.

The next.

I was going quickly. At this rate, I wouldn't have to worry about cramming them in before I slept. I was about halfway through when I took a break.

I looked around the study. It seemed like a place out of a movie, yellow lit with a plush chair that I could sit in if I was reading a book. I looked on the desk and saw pictures framed, me and Erica in the Cayman Islands, Emma with us in New York, and one of her kicking a soccer ball. 

I picked it up and held it. I thought about all the times that she had gone through trouble, and how lucky we were that she was still here. I held it to my forehead and sighed. 

As if the universe wanted to play a sick joke on me, I heard the door open downstairs. I headed down to see what was up.

Cyrus was inside now, sitting on a couch in the living room with Emma.

Erica was nowhere to be found.

I walked in.

"What's up boss," I said casually.

"Don't call me that. I have important news."

Wow. Straight to the point.

Emma was laughing at my misfortune. 

Cyrus handed me a case file that he seemed to have summoned out of thin air.

I looked through it and was shocked.

"What is this?" I asked.

"I already know that you have read all of this, Ripley, I'm not an idiot," he responded.

"Actually, it's not Ripl-"

"Anyways, I'm sure you know what this means."

I rubbed my forehead.

"Don't you have anyone else?" I asked. "This really isn't a good time."

"I wish I had others. But as you know, two of our other top agents have been compromised. And this is not a job that I want to give to anyone but the best."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Don't thank me, you're propped up by Erica's work. Speaking of which, where is she?"

"Right here." I looked up from the file and saw her coming through the backdoor. She had said she was going to workout but I didn't see any sweat on her.

She came over and took the file from me, reading through it. 

"Really, Grandpa?"

"I already explained this to Ben, I'm sure I don't need to explain it to you."

I saw Erica roll her eyes. 

She took the file with her upstairs. 

"So that's a yes?" Cyrus asked.

"Well you're not really giving us much of a choice," I replied.

"You're right. Come on Trixie."

He took Trixie to the door with him, and she went out first.

He stepped out.

"As of right now, Operation Sleeping Panda is underway. You know what to do with that file."

He closed the door behind him.

I threw the closest book I had at the wall.

"What's wrong Dad?" Emma asked.

I forgot that she was still on the couch.

"Nothings wrong, honey," I said, picking her up. "Dad's just a little frustrated."

"Will a hug make it better?" She asked.

"Of course," I said smiling.

I held her tightly. I didn't want to put her in any more danger. I couldn't believe that this was happening again. One time should have been enough. Even Erica seemed frustrated with it. 

I brought Emma upstairs to see Erica packing her stuff for the trip. 

"You ready?" I asked her as I plopped Emma onto the bed.

"Ready as can be," she said disgruntled. "Get Emma ready."

I did as I was told. I had briefly considered leaving her here but I was sure that she would be safer with me and Erica around. 

I got her the little spy suit that Catherine had bought for her. There was really no need, but she looked cute in it. She even had a tiny utility belt, which held a banana and a granola bar.

"Look who's ready," I said, showing her the mirror.

She fixed her belt and stared at herself in the mirror, almost as if she was Erica.

I brought her out to Erica who had packed my bag.

"Let's take down MH," Erica said.

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