Chapter 8

949 11 5

May 12th, 2029

1700 hours

Hale Residence

Ben's POV

I heard the shower turn on as I was finishing up the fajitas. I started to dish them out onto a big plate when I heard a knock on the door.

I turned off the stove and left the rest of the fajita mix in the frying pan. I hurried over to the door and opened it to see Catherine.

"Hi Benjamin," she said with a smile. She had a few grey strands coming through but still had a dark brown set of hair, for the most part.

"Hi Catherine," I said. "Come on in."

She entered through the door and went straight to the kitchen/dining area. I saw her set down a package as I closed the door and locked it.

Catherine went to sit beside Emma, who seemed very happy to see her grandmother.

"Hi Emma," she said charmingly. I saw both of their faces light up with smiles. I went back to the frying pan and started putting the mix into wraps, and putting a little cheese and vegetables in. After I used up all the mix, I fried the wraps to seal them together.

"What did you bring?" I asked as I finished frying the last wrap. I put it on the large plate with the rest and then put the frying pan in the sink, to be cleaned later.

"The usual," I heard Catherine say.

I walked over with the plate and set it down, then opening up what Catherine brought.

Chocolate chip AND blueberry muffins. Man I am going to be full full tonight.

"They smell delicious, as always," I said.

"Thank you, Benjamin," she said.

"Would you like to feed the baby?" I asked her, passing the plate over to her. I pointed at a little wrap that I had made.

"Of course," she said, grabbing it and bringing it to Emma.

"I can do myself," she said, laughing as Catherine brought it to her mouth.

"I know you can," Catherine said smiling, "but I want to do it this time."

I heard Emma mumble "OK" as she had food in her mouth.

"Where's Erica?" Catherine asked.

"Taking a shower. She told me you would be stopping by."

"She say anything else?" Catherine asked.


"Well she laughed when she saw what I was making, so does that count?" I said.

"I'll count it," Catherine said smiling. I sat down and we began to eat.

"These are very good, Benjamin," she said after a few bites.

"I wonder why Erica isn't good at cooking, seeing as she's your child," I said.

"She never wanted to learn such, 'vile' things, always worrying about being a spy more than anything else."

Emma started laughing.

I turned around and saw Erica standing behind me. Her long black hair laid past her shoulders, wet. I could smell the shampoo from the table. She was dressed in a t shirt and yoga pants.

"I think it worked out for the better," she said smirking.

I let her sit down beside me and she started eating the food I made.

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