Chapter 21

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May 18th, 2029

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1000 hours

Erica's POV

I laid on the sofa bed, staring up at the ceiling. Emma was snoring lightly right beside me. I didn't know what to do. We had just faced a dead end, with nowhere to look and 2 days to go. I nudged Emma on the head with my hand, trying to wake her up slowly. 

I adjusted the bra and underwear that I had worn to bed. I had sweated so much last night, but was still cold right now.

She turned around to face me and I saw her open her eyes. Ice blue, just like mine. I moved the hair out of her face, the black and brown strands intertwined. She looked at me.

"Hi," I whispered, rubbing her head.

She turned around to look behind her, and then back towards me. She pointed to the empty side of the bed.

"He's not here right now," I said to her.

Emma shook her head. She looked down at her lap.

I picked her up and raised her above me.

I dropped her back down and held her.

"It'll be okay," I said in her ear. "We'll be okay."

I said that knowing full well the danger she was in right now. I got up with her in my arms and went to the bathroom. Catherine and Alexander were sleeping peacefully in the bed. I set her down on the ground and she walked over to the bathtub.

I brushed my hair and took a look in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes, my usual jet black hair looking unusually curly and frizzy. I brushed it some more, hoping to get it under control. I put on my spy suit that was hanging on the shower railing. Emma was now sitting on the edge of the bathtub, staring up at me. 

"Come on, Em," I said, after I had finished putting the suit on and adjusting the belt. I walked out of the bathroom with her following me. My parents had woken up and were dressed now.

"Well, Erica, would you like to grab some breakfast?" she asked me. Emma ran over to her and jumped into her arms.

"Yes gramma," she said to her.

"Well, I guess that's settled," I said, smiling.

We all headed down to the buffet by the lobby. It was going to be a long day. I got in line with Emma. I took some of the salad that was available, while Emma held her plate out and got one of the chefs to put baby chocolate chip pancakes on there. With syrup. 

I led her over to the table Catherine and Alexander had sat at, and they went up.

It was a 6 seater table, so Emma got her own chair, even though she was too small. She ate with the plate on her lap, knife and fork and all. She got mad every time she was put in a baby chair. 

I started eating my salad, looking at my surroundings. There was a TV in the corner that was displaying some news about the upcoming election in Canada. It had been moved up 2 days so the new leader would be able to be sworn in and make it to the G7 meeting on time.

I saw 37 other people in the dining hall, 7 of them workers, the rest guests. None of them looked particularly threatening.

That number became 38 when I felt someone walk through the entrance. I turned around to see my sister Trixie.

"What are you doing here Trixie?" I said, surprised but happy. "I thought you were coming tomorrow."

"Well," she said. "It was either fly today or wait a week, so I took today as the choice."

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