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June 8th, 2029

Hale Residence

1945 hours

Erica's POV

I was sitting in the living room in a cozy chair, reading one of the papers that had been submitted  from the Academy.

In most instances I taught Self-Defence, Undercover Tactics, or other fighting related material, but I had to take on some of the History workload as one of the teachers was sick. I was grading the papers from Year 1 classes.

The paper was based upon a topic of the student's choosing. They got to choose one spy event that had happened throughout CIA history and explain and persuade why it was the most significant in spy history.

I was onto the last paper, which was written by a student named Layla Entrice. I was getting a little bit tired but it would feel good to power through this last one and be done.

Throughout the years of the CIA Academy of Espionage, many people have come and gone, but only those who dared to go further leave their imprint on the school. These are the ones that etch their name in the legacy of both the CIA and its school. And on a snowy January 16th evening, a dynamic pair of agents began their flawless partnership.

I smiled. I knew where this was going.

As the older of the two remarked that "This day just keeps getting better", the younger knew that he was in good hands. This is the story of Erica Hale and Ben Ripley, and how the latter being a patsy lead to the most prolific careers of any student agent duo ever.

Surprisingly, no one had used Ben and I as their topic yet. I was intrigued to keep reading this.

I heard my daughter crying, however, so I stood up from the chair and went to investigate. I headed to the kitchen and saw Trixie standing with Emma on the counter. She was crying because Trixie was making her eat salad.

"I DON'T WANT SALAD," she yelled.

"Woah there, Emma," I said.

She turned to me.

"No salad," she said, and she was doing the best impression of my stare as she could.

Ben came from behind me and opened the fridge. He gave her a muffin and she happily ate it. Trixie looked disappointed.

"I thought we are making her ultra-Erica," she said pouting. "This is exciting. I want to see how far she can push the limits of human boundaries."

"Why are you talking about my daughter as a lab rat?" I said, smirking. I walked back over to my chair, satisfied that all was well.

I picked the paper back up and started going through it.

Aside from personal bias, it was really well written. The spelling and grammar was immaculate. The events listed were the important, life saving ones, and not so much the ones that weren't as exciting (all though to be fair, all of the possible events were exciting). Everything was well structured.

The only issue was that there were a few mistakes in the history she mentioned. The first one was that me and Ben were a couple after the Croatoan issue. We had become one after we took down Murray's sea plan. The second issue was that when Joshua Hallal was chasing us when Murray put a hit on ben, she had insinuated that he was trying to kill us. When it turns out he just wanted to get Murray.

Other than that, the paper was amazingly well done.

I put a 98% in a red circle on the front of her paper. I wrote:

A few historical errors where I underlined in your paper. Come see me if you have questions :)

- Erica Hale

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