Chapter 15

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May 16th, 2029

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

0900 hours

Erica's POV

I woke up to the sound of cars passing by. I sat up from my bed, window still open from last night. I was in a new hotel, to hopefully stop myself from being tracked. 

Ben had not returned any of my 3 calls. I gave up after a while. 

I wasn't even worried. I knew that they were safe, seeing as if they weren't there would have been a ransom note. I was more so upset about the lack of communication between us two.

Then again, I had gone behind his back quite a few times recently. I suppose I didn't want him getting caught up in some of my extracurriculars. It might also be a sense of being a spy and just jumping on a lead as soon as I could find one.

I hopped in the shower to get ready for the day, electing for a cold one. I brushed my hair and then put my spy suit on, covering it with a hoodie on top. It was going to be a bit chilly today, according to the forecast.

I walked out of my room and headed down to the exit of the hotel. I started walking towards downtown Toronto. I knew that I didn't have a lot of information, but any evil plan that was to be concocted would have to be connected somewhere to downtown in the city. It didn't really make sense for it to be any other way.

I walked down past the expensive executive buildings that seemed to be in place only for media to be shot there. I also saw tons and tons of construction. 

After a while, I headed towards the airport. I was surprised that I hadn't seen any info on the missile yet on the news. I had only seen reports of extreme turbulence. I assumed that someone was covering up the real truth, which is why I had called Cyrus. To no avail.

I was also surprised that there were no reports of me kicking in the cockpit doors. Although, they might be waiting for a match in whichever facial recognition database they would be using. Either way, there was not a lot of time before something went bad.

I was about 10 minutes away from the airport when I saw another construction site. This was really starting to become an eyesore for me. I peeked at a glance and saw a B&B truck.

I kept walking as if I hadn't seen it. I didn't want to alert anyone watching that I knew something.  As soon as the construction ended I walked off the sidewalk and onto the grass. I hid from the site behind a piece of wood tacked to the other side of the fence. I looked around my surroundings once more, to make sure no one of importance could see me.

My phone rang.

I pulled it out and saw it was from Ben.

"Hello," I said coyly.

"Hi, Erica, I - um, I'm so so sorry please don't be mad," he said. I felt his voice shaking on the other end. "I had no service and I just saw the phone calls now, I'm really sorry."

"Hmmmm," I said, thinking. "Apology accepted. As long as Emma is okay."

"Yes," he said. "She wants to see you though."

"Okay. Call me in a half hour and we will meet. I'll actually answer though."

"Erica you know I didn't mean to -"

"Byeee," I said, hanging up the phone.

"Wait Eri-".

Well at least that was taken care of. 

I turned my attention back towards the construction site, scaling the fence once scoping the area. I saw workers on the far side, but where I was jumping in, there was lots of materials and barriers to hide behind.

I made my way towards the workers, hiding behind obstacles where possible. I got close enough that I could hear what the main conversation was going on. 

"We're getting the materials tomorrow, so we need to gut this hole today," one worker said.

"What's even going in the hole? We are drilling this thing so deep for what reason?" Another pondered. 

"I wish we knew," the first guy said.

"Well, at least we are paid fairly for what we are doing here," a third person said. "Most construction companies would be giving us nada for patrolling here for the most part."

"Amen to that," second guy said. "This is gonna be the only work that we've had to do, and it won't even take that long."

"We might as well get it done now," first guy said. "If all of us work for a half hour here, we'll be fine and dandy."

The 3 guys called out to the rest of their worker friends and they all headed into the middle of the site, where there was already a sizeable hole.

I hurried over to where they were talking, to see if they had left anything. Unfortunately, they hadn't. This was all becoming a bigger mystery. I needed to see Ben so he could work his magic on this situation. I snuck back out of the construction site and walked back towards downtown. I was getting a good amount of exercise in by doing this. 

I really only had 1 thing to ponder on. Where was the missile system that had been used to fire at our plane. It had to be somewhere near the airport, and something that highly advanced can't just be moved within a day. There are dozens of regulations, including having it bolted down for a set period of time before and after use. So it must be hiding somewhere.

I continued walking down the street, thinking of a solution that didn't seem to be coming.

Ben's POV

I called Erica exactly half an hour after when she had asked. She answered on the second ring.

"See, Ben, I actually answer the phone," she said to me. I couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

"Look, I already told you I was sorry Erica can you please ju -"

"Where do you want to meet?"

"Union station food court. You'll see me."

"See you then."

Erica was starting to scare me. I really hoped she wasn't upset with me.

"Come on Emma," I said. "We have someone to visit."

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