New job

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I'm a bit nervous about the job. new men to deal with but like Mr  pope said would they really risk it to mess with me I hope not. Hi I'm Ellie mr  pope said to come here for work I smile at the man hi I'm Jake I'm the boss of the kitchen let's get you started can you  cook jake asks me, yeah   I can but I'm better at puddings and cakes but I'm a fast learner and like to clean so hopefully I will last I shrug my shoulders. You will be fine come on that's paul bob and stan jake says pointing at each of them, I smile and say hi ok let's get to work Ellie just watch over us today so you know what to do jake tells me  I nod lunch went by quike I got comments like I will take Ellie for my dinner bet you taste better than thus shit, Id take my time eating you, it was stan that made me laugh when he says oh my god  come back when you have something to say thats knew its all old and boring have you never seen a girl before, lunch was over in no time and we sat down to eat ours it was a lot better than we just severed thanks stan for before it was nice of you to stand up for me, no problem ellie I've got your back we all have in here  everyone else  nods, thanks guys it means alot, as we are cleaning I could here paul saying Just ask her all she can say is no bob was looking at me hey ellie can I ask you something?   yeah  of course you can, its just before when you was talking to jake about how  you can make cakes are you good, yeah  i am i had my own cake shop before i got sent down why whats up?  well its stans 50th birthday and we wanted to make him a cake but we are shit,  I laugh at that comment  bless him no prob when do u want me to do it bob looks at his feet as he says now i just laugh looks like im going to be busy what kind of things was he into, they both say at the same time motorbikes and fire he always tells us storys of him riding over fires  best years of his life he says  paul was telling me, I was thinking for ten minutes  before an idea came to me of the perfect  cake I could make ive been working on the cake for hours now i do love making them the detail that goes into them is amazzing im just finishing of as the others walk back in.

 You will be fine come on that's paul bob and stan jake says pointing at each of them, I smile and say hi ok let's get to work Ellie just watch over us today so you know what to do jake tells me  I nod lunch went by quike I got comments like I wil...

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Wow omg wow I'm lost for words was what I was hearing do you think he will like it it's the best I could do with what we had to use?  like it he will love it jake says, thank you so much you have only just met him and you do this for him bob says still looking at the cake, well he only just met me but he stuck up for me when he didn't  have to I wanted to do it glad it turned out like this cakes are still lost for words my mouth is watering Paul says,  I'm just over the moon they all like it.

He's coming shouts jake we all start singing happy birthday to him and he had tears in his eyes who made this cake it's amazing stan says, Ellie did jake says stan hugged me wow you are so talented its amazing thank you so much it's really kind of you, no problem I wanted to happy birthday, lets get stuck in.

I'm back in my cell it's empty its been a long day I get lost in making cakes I forgot where I was for a minute I do love making cakes and puddings maybe just maybe I will be ok I have to be this is my life now I've gotta get on with it Michael walked in hey ellie how's work it was great I love it I'm back making cakes they is some on the desk for you, why would you make a cake Micheal asks me, it was stans birthday, micheal is eating the cake moaning and moaning this is so nice i just laugh linc walks in i can hear you moaning  down the hall what you doing, eating cake Michael says with a mouth full, cake who said cake sucre says walking in its on the desk, wow ellie did you make this I'm going to love your new job feel free to bring what ever back sucre informs me.

Yard time was fun sucre was talking to some men so I left  him to it he can't baby sit me for the next 20 years I might as well deal with this now I was sat watching a basketball  match  wanna play one on one  gorgeous  I look up to a man holding a ball out to me okay  your on I say as I get up try not to cry when I beat you by the end of the game I had him breathless  and the score 6 - 4 to me your good thanks for the game i say walking away.

Its night time im getting ready for bed I go sit on my bunk waiting for linc to get into bed I'm hoping he says I can sleep with him again but I bet he wants his bed to his self he gets into bed and moves his covers for me I run and jump in his bed.

Conversation between us all in the cell 

M... Fuck sake Ellie are we on a boat I think the bed will break 

E.. Wish we was away from here 

L.. Me to would you still sleep with me if we was far away from here 

E.. Of course I would your my hot  teddy bear 

L.. So I'm hot 


L.. Good to know I'm hot 

E. Ha ha here I will cool you down 

L.. Ellie your feet are freezing 

S. How do you to fit on one tiny bed linc you might as well sleep on top of her 

M.. Or her on him 

E. It's called cuddling 

.s. Any way night 

M. Yer night keep it down kids 

E. What was you like before prison did you have loads of girlfriends I bet you did? 

L. I was running from one shit day after another and girlfriends no not really. What about you how did you end up here?

E. I had a cake shop that was my world got involved with  a dickhead that's why I'm here he set me up so he didn't get caught he told me everything a girl wanted to here but looking back I should of listen to my heart I never felt that feeling with him you know the one where your falling in love can't wait to see them when you do it's like fireworks 

L. Yeah im starting to know that feeling 

End of conversation 

As Lincoln was saying those last words to me he was looking into my eyes but kept looking down at my lips I didn't look away as I wanted him to kiss me I really did i wanted to know how he kisses I knew he was thinking should he all it took was me to run my hand up and down his arm for him to kiss me it was like no other kiss it was sweet and slow and i felt the butterfly's  he's amazing  I opened my mouth for him to put his tongue in I was a moaning mess I hope the others are asleep but right now I don't care he pulled away as much as I would like to do this all night  we better get some sleep.

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