More to the Dr and Michael

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Good morning Ellie do u wanna go for a shower Dr Tancredi says but can't take her eyes of Michael yeah that would be great thank you I will just find my things it's ok take your time she says but still doesn't  take her eyes of Michael I bend down near linc and say is it me or Michael she wants to take for a shower Lincoln burst of laughing that got everyone's attention im ready ok let's go see you at 1 Michael  bye Sara I mean Dr Tancredi Micheal says 

I jump in the warm water and start to wash my hair

Dr  .. So how's it going 

E ... not bad I got a job in the kitchen the days are ok its when the nights come  but that's got alot better 

Dr. Yer it will take time Is Michael been better with you 

E.. Yeah  he actually said sorry and is been friendly he was ok with a mouth full of cake I was his best friend 

Dr..  cake??

E. From the kitchen 

Dr .. oh right I see him every day at 1 he's a nice man 

E. You to seem close I wink at her 

Dr.. He fascinates me he's a one off 

E.. Micheal and the Dr that's a true love story 

Dr.. Please don't say out he tried to kiss me I should of reported him but I think deep down I wanted him to 

E.. Shame he's in here but he won't be one day and as for saying out no way you have been so nice and kind to me don't even think I would for a second 

Dr.. Thanks ellie.

I'm back in my cell with Michael, so I bet your well jel of me, Michael just looks at me lost,  that Dr Tancredi took me for a shower and not you I wink at him haha your so funny  not, so you have the hots for the Dr, so you have the hots for my brother,  well at least I get to sleep with mine I wink again just before we both  burst of laughing. I think I'm falling for her I wish I wasn't but I can't stop thinking of her we have already put the plan backwards I need to get my head back in the game,  that's the joy of love you never know when it's going to happen or who with.

I'm at the sink washing my hands as Lincoln comes up behind me I hope your sleeping in my bed again I wouldn't mind getting my good night kiss again he kisses my neck before walking off I had the biggest  smile on my  face I was hoping all morning he didn't  regret  the kiss it was so out the blue i know we have gotten close in the last 3 days but i put that down to him just been nice and kind.

It's yard time so I'm walking out side hey Ellie dan shouts i wave and walk over where is sucre he asks me I don't know  come play with us till he gets here ok thanks  but I pick the game so what's new with you dan asks,  I got a job in the kitchen a few days a week to keep me busy that's good,  yeah  I was going mad I'm a busy person Lincoln walks up hey what u doing,  playing cards you wanna play no thanks I'm going to find Michael linc says then walks away, is he ok dan asks me,  yeah i think so.

We was locked up in our cells for the next 3 hours with nothing to do hey linc  you ok yes was all he said as he was facing the wall I left him to it he was like that all night it was that bad I went to help out in the kitchen what's up stan says,  nothing why,  well most people don't offer to wash  millions of  pots stan says  laughing oh lincoln is on his man time of the month he's a Moody twat all cos i was playing cards with dan i don't understand, oh come on Ellie you must of seen the way Lincoln looks at you he's jealous any man would be the same  stan informs me.

I'm getting ready for bed at the sink linc comes up behind me I'm sorry for acting like a two-year-old I got jealous, it's ok you can make it up to me oh really what do I have to do he says with a smirk  on his face, I will let you know I'm back in Lincoln's bed will u Ever  sleep in your own bed no why do you want rid of me no I like you in my bed, well shut up then and cuddle me to sleep.

It's been over a month now since I came to prison I've met some great friends I never thought I would say that I met friends for life in prison I love my job in the kitchen baking the prisoners love my baking the comments have more or less gone t bag is still t bag I know he's waiting his time to get me but Lincoln is always about im falling for him I haven't slept a night in my own bed he makes me feel safe sucre is counting down the days till he gets out we are so close he's like my big brother Michael and i have come far I like winding him up about the Dr its funny I lie in Lincolns arms every night I'm miles away thinking,  are you ok linc asks me,  yeah  just thinking how my life is different.

Jones, you have a visitor who is it no one has come to see me since coming to prison bellick looked at his sheet your boyfriend. I don't have one, move it Jones I don't have all day I was taken to the visitor room and sat smiling was my pig of a ex-boyfriend. what do you want? that's not a nice way to speak to your boyfriend, your not my boyfriend my boyfriend is waiting for me up in our cell in our bed and he's everything your not he makes me scream his name night after night, with that he flu for me u little slag i will get you he's kicking of getting dragged out as I shout  what did you expect setting me up for murder how does it feel to know been in here is better than been with you don't come back, i was taken to medical as Sara comes running up what happened that pig of an ex got to me in visiter  room she cleaned me up and sent me back.

 what do you want? that's not a nice way to speak to your boyfriend, your not my boyfriend my boyfriend is waiting for me up in our cell in our bed and he's everything your not he makes me scream his name night after night, with that he flu for me...

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Are you ok what happened where have you been Lincoln said looking at my head,  first off the ex second medical he better hope I don't ever  see him, I'm ok it was my own fault, Ellie don't say that noone deserve that linc says shaking  his head, no it was I was gobbing it at him about been in bed with my boyfriend every night screaming your name  and your everything he's not I like the boyfriend part,  anyway you have to make me feel better, oh i can definitely do that. 

Lincoln's pov

She is the most beautiful girl I have ever layed  my eyes on I'm so lucky to have her in my life I got jealous when she was playing cards with dan he's more her age and I know he likes her who wouldn't she lights up the room when she talks about things she loves like her job in the kitchen I go to sleep with her on my mind and wake up with her in my arms it's perfect when she was in my arms kissing me and moaning i had to nip myself from doing more to her God I wanted to she's amazing I wish she will leave with us when we go I can't imagine life without her now.

Ellie has just left for a visit with her boyfriend  I knew this was to good to be true well come on why would she want to be with me other than pertection has it always just been that reason was she playing me night after night our talks when she is in my arms hey linc what's happened Michael  asks me as he walks in the cell ellie is on a date with her boyfriend, are you sure?  yes I was here with her in my arms as bellick came to get her, hey man you heard what's going down in visitors  centre sucre says as he comes running in? Yer  ellie is with her boyfriend, boyfriend  not what I got told she's kicking of at him.

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