Broken ribs 16+

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Warning it's violence and some abuse

My day was slow I spent a bit of time with sucre he was trying to make me smile he told me Lincoln will see sense I just nodded I didn't know what to say and this was not fair on surce stuck in the middle the kitchen job takes up a lot of my time not that im complaining at the moment, t bag was his annoying self like always.

T bag came up to me to get his dinner hey ellie Rose's are red violet are blue don't relax as I'm coming for you. stan told him to do one and not let him get in my head You do know Lincoln hasn't taken his eyes off you I look up to Lincoln's eyes Michael is trying to talk to him but he's to busy looking at me I don't understand him yesterday he couldn't look at me.

Shower time Ellie Sara says, ok im coming we talk as I take my shower I told her im feeling better and thanked her for been there for me and sorry because she didn't get to see Michael as I said his name she went red I couldn't stop laughing its cute it's ok you needed me more he will live.

I'm walking back to my cell alone as Sara left me at the gate it's nearly lock up for the night as a blind fold went over my head I was dragged somewhere I was trying to fight back as I was pinned down getting kicked and punched over and over again I didn't recognise the voices but then t bag said hold her still it won't take long he was taking my clothes down I could hardly breath they was no part of my body that didn't hurt just as he was about to go in me somone was coming and his dirty mates ran all i heard him say was to be continued as he ran i couldn't move it took me a while to pull my bottoms up and sit up i was trying to get the strength to get to my cell my head was spinning I need to get to the cell before passing out.

I just made it the cell was empty I got on my bed facing the wall that's all I remember before passing out.

Officers pro

Time for count before lights out im getting up to cell 40 all I see is Michael sucre and Lincoln where is Ellie on her bed I think she's asleep Michael says, I walk in to wake her up all I say is fuck I hit the alarm and shout in my radio I need a doctor now cell 40 belick got the rest of the men locked up for the night and told Michael sucre and Lincoln to wait outside I went back to Ellie she was not responding i couldnt find her pulse it didn't take long for Dr Tancredi to run to the cell what happened I found her like it she's not responding I need her in medical now can you carry her dr tancredi asks, yes let's go i pick her up carry her out the door her body was lifeless I really didn't think she was still alive I ran down to medical as fast as I could I wanted to stay and help but i knew i couldn't do out she should never have been in this place.

Dr Tancredi pov

The alarms went off and over the speaker went I need a doctor in cell 40 now. I knew it was going to be Ellie and I knew it was going to be bad I grabbed my bag and ran as fast as I could to her when I saw her i felt sick she wasn't responding and her pulse was weak i needed her in medical now as we was leaving Lincoln got hold of my arm is she ok all I said was no im sorry she's not at that point I wasn't sure she would make it and I didn't want to give folse hope. We get to medical I close the door me and the male doctor are working on her I take her clothes of her even the male doctor had to look away she was black and blue everywhere we scanned her she had broken ribs punched lungs concussion I don't think they was any part of her that wasn't black I need a rape kit I say he gets me it do you want me to do it he asks me? no I will I think she would want me to do it, he nods I will put the morning after pill in her then, im just about finished its just a waiting game for her to wake up but some people take longer her body needs rest and some people just don't wake up its up to ellie now.

I need to go see mr  pope as im walking out he was walking in how is she doc not good I fill him in on everything I knew this was going to happen she should never of come here and if im honest I believe she's innocent pope says  to me yeah  me to ...

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I need to go see mr pope as im walking out he was walking in how is she doc not good I fill him in on everything I knew this was going to happen she should never of come here and if im honest I believe she's innocent pope says to me yeah me to I need to go to her cell is that ok he just nods im walking up to cell 40 it was the middle of the night now Lincoln was at the bars and Michael and sucre was sat up on the bunk Sara is she ok as hearing Lincoln Michael and sucre come to the bars no Lincoln she's not she has broken ribs punched lungs concussion she still hasn't woke up lincoln she is black and blue form head to toe i had to do a rape test and give her the morning after pill on the safe side I'm just not sure she will wake up her body has been through so much you need to perper yourself the next 48 hours are critical.

Lincolns pov

As Sara walked away my world fell apart all I could say was this is all my fault why did I leave her I saw her face as she was getting carried out it was lifeless. It's not your fault Michael says this could have happened at any point I know he's only been nice because he's my brother sucre didn't say anything I don't blame him I love her Michael yeah I know you do what if she doesn't wake up I will never get the chance to say sorry.

Sucres pov

God knows why Lincoln is feeling sorry for himself he's right this is on him he should of got over his jealousy and pride and spoke to her asked her then this wouldn't of happened.

Back to ellies pro

3 days later

I could hear people talking I just couldn't open my eyes Ellie please wake up I love you im sorry I just don't know who said it, my eyes started to open the light was so bright I could see the male doc in the room but he wasn't looking at me I let out a sound like a duck but it got his attention ellie thank God your awake are you ok let me get Sara he ran out shouted she's wake and Sara comes running In oh thank God Ellie how you feeling all I said was water she gave me a drink who did this to you Ellie I just close my eyes and start crying as all the memories of that night came back, ok its not important she says, im sat up in bed telling Sara what happened she told me she did a rape test she had to I wasn't feeling that bad I was high on pain relief when do I go back to my cell? tomorro, i nod and close my eyes hey Sara did i get visiters? yeah why she asks, i think someone said I love you i could here just couldn't wake up, she was smiling just rest please. The next day I went back to a empty cell I was resting on my bed thank God it's the bottom bunk and someone must of cleaned it Lincoln walked in Ellie how are you are you ok im sorry it's all my fault im sorry, hey no it's not you didn't do this and yeah im ok sara's got good pain relief, he was about to say something but Michael and sucre came in they were all over me so Lincoln just sat on his bed.

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