New home

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Paul just left I walk back into the house look about again Paul said I can keep the things still here which is really nice as I only have a bag of clothes they is a washer dryer fridge and cooker in the kitchen thats the main things a sofa small tv in the living room nothing in the second livingroom the bedrooms was empty I need to head into the town to get things, the first shop is for beds I walk in look around hi you must be Ellie the new girl buying the farm, hi yes I look at the lady she must be in her 50s like how did you know, hi im jay this is my mum pam its a small town everyone knows about everyone and when something or someone new comes everyone knows, i laugh oh right well im ellie and yes im buying the farm but you all know that, how can I help you well paul is been great letting me move in now but Im going to be sleeping on the floor the house has 90 percent of what I need just no bed ok pick one out and I will deliver today for you it might be late but it will be today, really thank you thats so kind i was thinking it was going to take days, we are a small town that helps out when we can. I go pick out my bed it's king-size and I pick a double bed to in case I have a guessed I pick the bedding pillows sheets everything I will need jay told me to leave it here and he will bring everything save me carrying it home not sure I would be able to carry it home I say thank you to him and pam it was nice meeting you both. I walk to the coffee shop I was in this morning  hey Ellie hi jack I wanted to say thank you I got the house well after paperwork but it's mine I love it I just went to buy a bed i will get the rest of the furniture later I ordered my tea are you coming here for all your meals jack asks, yes im moving in he laughs, I feel special he looks at me pussled well I walked into the bed shop and pam knew my name and all about my new house he laughs that's something you will have to get used to living in this town they mean well i don't mind it's ok saves me telling everyone I meet we talk for a bit I leave to go to the local food shop I get the things I will need washing  powder some food bathroom items and cleaning products i walk back the way i came 20 mins later im home that's a nice feeling im home. I put all my stuff away make a coffee and go sit outside on the porch it was a lovely evening I was halfway into my coffee as Gilbert made me jump and the rest of the coffee I ended up wearing it Gilbert me and you are going to fall out I like my coffee in my mouth not on me, I turned around to laughing hi jay I see you and Gilbert are best friends i laugh I keep forgetting I have a goat, him and pam got my beds upstairs for me I made a pot of coffee as me and pam was chatting drinking coffee jay got all my bedding out the van took the  things that didn't need washing upstairs and left the rest in the kitchen I went in to put the washer on and then went back out to chat i got jay a beer he has just had his 18th birthday he runs the shop with his mum we was talking about the coffee shop and jack been great to me as i look at jay he was red looking at the floor wonder what thats about, ellie can i pop to your loo please pam says,  yes of course you can, so jay do you know jack well he's abit older than you, yes really well the redness was getting worse i  laugh and say do you like him. Jay looks up please don't tell my mum, pam walks out right are you ready it was really nice of you Ellie for the coffee I will see you soon that's ok thank you for the bed but jay said he will stay and help me and walk back later if that's ok, of course have fun bye pam says getting back in her van, bye mum, i will get you another beer i walk back in swop the washing over and walk back out so spill and don't worry I wont say a word, jay starts to say well when i was 16 I knew I didn't like what my friends liked like girls i looked at boys more but no one special but jack he has always caught my eye he's out and proud he doent care just before my 18th we spent time together alot of time i kissed him one night and ran off he never told anyone and after a few days I went to see him to say sorry but he said don't be he liked it we have been talking since he's giving me the time to tell my mum but I can't she will hate me jacks 10 years older and jack thinks  its alot but i don't care i want him we made love the other night it was the best night of my life jack did try to say are you sure i was i wanna be with him. Well if I was you I would tell your mum you know what this town is like we both laugh but if your not ready then be careful say your hanging out here with me she will think you like me but never mind jay stayed abit longer he helped me make my bed before going home i got a shower and got into bed it's been a long day. 

The next morning I got up I was drinking my coffee on the porch I don't think I will ever get fed up of this it's beautiful, I had to stay home today till Paul came by it was the perfect time to clean the house from top to bottom it wasn't dirty just dusty no one was living here for months 3 hours later im done and drinking coffee on the porch again, is this all you do Paul says walking up the steps yes its amazing its beautiful i say looking out to the fields, Ellie this is my dad ron he wanted to meet you hi ron its nice to meet you your home is amazing im a lucky girl he smiles its ok im going to miss it and just as he was about to say gilbert he comes walking up there is my old friend have you been good ron was all over Gilbert, told you he likes that goat more than me paul whispers to me,  I laugh come on help me make a drink we are out side talking gilbert is still here getting petted by ron has he been good ron asks me i laugh as i say yes i have only worn my coffee once and my heart has been in the shy a few times but other than that he's been good ron laughs he likes to make you jump and keep you on your toes  im so glad he can stay thank you Ellie, its not a problem at all im not wanting the farm for anything other than to relax so he can keep me company and you can stop by every day if you want to drink coffee with me  gilbert loves you as much as you love him, thanks ellie that means alot i will pop when paul comes out to do vet things. 

So my solicitors have done the paperwork so all you need to do is get your solicitor to look over it and send the money that's great its so quick yeah it's more if you had to sell a house first for the money or had to wait for banks I will ring my solicitor now see if I can see her tomorrow no problem no rush ring me when you know more, Paul and ron just left I go and ring Veronica she said she would come out to see me tonight and sort everything for me i was looking forwards to seeing her, a few hours later a car pulls up I look out the window it was Veronica I walk out to meet her wow Ellie its amazing she says looking about I know its perfect im in love with it I made us a coffee she looks over the contract and then looks around is everything ok with it yes its a great price even looking after the animals you have a fantastic deal get it signed and money transfered  i will take it back to the office for you i ring paul up tell him im sending the money over now I was on the phone as i was doing It we bank at the same bank so it was perfect ok im all done you check your bank now, yes its showing thank you ellie for a really easy sale  thank you for the perfect home we say bye and see you tomorrow.

Congrats on your new home let's go out to eat Veronica says, we get to Jack's coffee shop hey jack this is my solicitor  and freind Veronica hi im jack I here you are the new owner of the farm does everyone know Veronica says, yes it's one of them towns she nods and looks at the menu we eat the food is good here she says taking her last bite  I know, ellie comes here alot im giving her her own table jack says laughing don't say that your making me feel fat.

I'm happy for you Ellie the house is perfect for what you need I would go mad here on my own but I haven't just been in a nightmare I nod its what I need right now she nods have you been to see a doctor yet no i have been busy buying a house but it's the next thing I need to sort we are back at the house well I better go I will file this ring me after the doctors let me know how it went i will I hug her thank you for everything send me the bill don't be silly we are friends she was right we have come so close she was the only one to have my back at one point i get ready for bed in my new home its all mine i can't belive it. 

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