On the other side of the wall

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I'm walking back to my cell with pope I just feel like it's a dream and I will wake up any minute, it's a lot to take in isn't it? I nod, I walk into my cell and see sucre so did you get your new cell he says then sees pope out side hey what's going on, I'm free cops came and said new evidence says im not guilty so i can go I just wanted to say bye and let you know I wish you all the best and thank you for having my back in here from day one I'm not show I would still be here if it wasn't for you  I love you, i love you to your like my sister i wish you the best what you going to do now?  I don't have a clue im not even show where to go we hug bye as  i go see tj and thank him for everything he's done and saved me from then I go find tyler and tell him. He's so happy for me and says girls don't belong here i laugh and nod I tell him im so grateful for all the help and him training me he hugs me we had some laughs and says go on get out of this place i nod and say bye are you ready for me to kick you out yet pope asks  i laugh one last place please he smiles and nods I walk in the kitchen and tell them all what's gone on after a few wet eyes and me thanking them all for been my best mates in here i needed a job like this it was my safe haven i hug every one of them, right now im ready I say to pope we go into the room i first came in to get everything I came in with I sign out and that's it pope walks me out are you going to be ok he asks me, yeah of course I was in an all male prison im sure I will be fine he laughs then says go find your solicitor and sue the bastards for everything you have had to deal with good luck ellie then walks back in the prison,

I walk down the road and find a bench to sit on I don't know what to do or where to go I need to think after a while my first thing to do was find a bed and breakfast for the night I go find a cash machine I had a few hundred pounds in the bank before my life went to shit so im ok for now I go check-in get a shower and change into my PJs I put the tv on and get into bed I was asleep soon after, I woke up the next morning and for a minute I forgot I was free I jumped into the shower again I think that is going to be the best part of freedom having a shower on my own I was lucky to only have Sara with me but on my own and take as long as you want is better, I change into normal clothes it felt like I was a celebrity to have my normal clothes on, I left the bed and break fast and got a taxi to the train station I needed to go back to my home town to see Veronica,the train ride was long it gave me the time that I needed to think i get a taxi to go see veronica i walk in and all she could say was oh my god come in my office.

Conversation between Veronica and Ellie

V. Ellie what's happened how are you here.

E. Cops came to the prison and just said new evidence says I didn't do it you are free to go that's all I know.

V.. I'm going to look into it and sue them for you tell me everything that has happened to you in that place

E. After telling her every single thing that I had to deal with and I told her about the fact I think im pregnant she says to leave it with her and she will be in touch I left her office to go find a travel lodge I needed a place close and my family well let's just say I don't have any my family told me to rot in jail and wanted nothing to do with me as soon as im sorted with Veronica im leaving I need to start over again. I ended up in a motel I paid for a week a few days went by I got up got a shower and got ready I knew I had to get to a shop that sold pregnancy tests I had put it of for so long I needed to know, I got to the shop I got a few things I needed some food a few magazines and of course a test I walk back to the motel I eat dinner drink a lot of water i sit on the bed just looking at the test get your self together this is stupid just find out I walk into the bathroom pee on the stick and just wait I put the tv on trying to distract my self but it didn't work just as im about to go find out, my phone rings its Veronica hi whats up hey ellie how are you? not bad thanks, so ellie ive got a meeting set up for In an hour i can pick you up they wanna get this settled as soon as possible it wont look good for them did you find out if you are pregnant, i just took a test let me go see, Its got 2 lines it says positive 3 to 4 weeks im so sorry ellie i will see you in 30 mins bring the test im going to walk all over them. ok bye.

I'm stood outside the motel waiting for Veronica to come I got the test in my hand, I didn't have to wait long I got in the car showed Veronica the test she asks me how I feel about it and if im ok and I have options, im not sure it's all a nightmare if im honest she nods don't accept the frist offer just trust me i know what im doing follow my lead if I get up to leave follow me, i nod.

We walk in meet a few people one that's in change says im sorry for what you had to go though it must of been awful, I didn't even reply what does she know then Veronica started talking awfull is that the best you can say she got put in prison for a crime she didn't do and a male prison that's not legal in any world the things she had done to her that stays with a person forever she is lucky to be alive. I understand that that's why im offering 100 thousand pound and you sign a contract that says you can't talk about it. No thanks your wasting our time we are leaving as we start to walk away Veronica says that reporter that offered you 70 thousand for the story I nod not knowing what she was on about but following her lead sell it oh and don't forget to add the first scan pic. Wait wait please come back we go back and sit down then the lady asks are you pregnant I just show her the test she just sits back in her chair takes her glasses off and doesn't say out for a bit ok Ellie what do you want. I look at Veronica she shows me a card no way am I going to get that but hey goes nothing. What I want is to none of this to have happened I can't move on I was raped attacked left for dead I should of never been put in a male prison I didn't go a day with out something happening to me and now im pregnant don't say I have options as I don't believe in not having it it's not the child's fault its the judge that put me in fox river im not sure I want your money I want everyone to know what you all did to me but I will sign that contract if that judge gets sacked and 500 thousand pound i have a child to think about now and no roof over my head a man sat at the table said no way are we paying you that, thats fine i say im leaving i will get more out of selling my story maybe thats what it will take to put this behind me and at least it won't happen to someone else i get up and walk out the room veronica is right behind me we get in her car wow you didn't need me she says gob smacked,  maybe I do I did just turn 100 thousand pound down cash in my bank today you did the right thing this way you are free to tell the world we got back to the motel as veronicas phone is ringing she says its them talks for a bit gets of the phone and says we need to go back you got the full money i didnt know what to say i didn't feel happy i felt empty we go back i sign everything i need to the money is put in my bank it will take 3 days to clear thats perfect as i have that left on the motel and i still have things to do befor i leave this town for good.

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