Surce/baby girl

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It was so quite with out the animals on the farm we still had the cows we keep them for a few years then sell them on i was watching them out in the fields Betty was a happy horse Gilbert on the other hand was a naughty goat Paul said it's his age he needs a girlfriend pauls dad has been coming over most days he just loves sitting watching Betty and petting Gilbert he said he wouldn't be coming over a lot in winter just twice a week we got talking about Gilbert he asked me if it would be ok to get a girl goat I said yes but any baby's im blaming you. Paul came back over as he dropped his dad at his place Ellie did you tell my dad it would be ok to get a girl goat for Gilbert? yes I did but no baby's I say laughing, he wouldn't shut up about it I was thinking it was his old age im going to go get one do you wanna come, yes i will just lock up.   they was loads of girl goats how do you know which to get I say looking about, you don't normally you just get a good feeling we was walking about they was this one goat she was all over me chewing my clothes trying to get my things out my bag i like her can i have her please really she's a hand full Paul says laughing, well she will get on with Gilbert we took her home the same day she ran rings around Gilbert he loves her its so cute to watch she's my new best friend follows me everywhere.

I was in the pens letting the cows out as I here my name to a Spanish voice I come out the pens to sucre smiling at me hey girl you missed me I ran to him and huged  the life out of him how are you are you ok yes im ok  but i should be asking you that he says looking at my belly, I laugh and say any day now we went back to the house so tell me what you have been up to, well i left prison but turns out my girl was getting it on with my cousin she's pregnant with his kid so I left im homeless jobless i was better of in prison, well i have a spare room so your not homeless how did you find me i ran into bellick of all people he said you was a farm girl now so I looked you up hope that's ok of course it is you can stay as long as you want thanks ellie it means  alot.

Megan has been coming over a lot I think she has the hots for my house guessed they would be perfect together he flirts with her all the time.

We was eating tea as I got the most pain fullest pain ever I have been getting pains all day but they come and go but this one took my breath away Megan ran to me Ellie you ok no I think I've weed myself its your waters the baby is coming sucre rings for an ambulance Megan told me to lay down she was going to check me over sucre was holding my hand telling me it was going to be ok Megan says  Ellie you are ready you need to push I can't im not at the hospital well the baby won't wait you need to push I was screaming that much i can't do this  I hate Lincoln for leaving me but not long after that I was holding my tiny baby girl in my arms with Megan been a midwife I didn't have to go to the hospital she did everything for us the baby was eating good she was a healthy baby sucre loves her it's  so cute to watch them every time she makes a noise he's  at her side i just had to think of a name. the next day i was feeling ok so i got the baby ready its time you meet your uncles it took me longer than normal to get to the coffee shop they both was like a kid in a candy store over her was the birth ok jack asks  me yes i was at home with Megan and sucre they met sucre a few days ago they all got on well I told them he was an old mate and was staying for a bit because of a bad break up the boys was great with him got on well im going to call her lucy.

A few months went by sucre was still here I told him he can have a job on the farm with the animals that was due any day now I showed him how to get set up Paul told me to do every pen I had out God how many animals are coming he needed more money this time and said if I pay jay he will pay sucre because they were so much work to do we would need them both. Sucre was already at work he was cutting the grass making sure the fences were ok and no holes he took over the milking and getting Betty in the field every day.

It was the day of the animals coming Megan came over she said im not helping with the smelly animals but I will cuddle my baby niece all day that was a big help the trucks started coming down the drive they were 3 times as many lambs 4 times as many piglets as last year we kept the males and females separate we got more cows and 4 horses 3 female and one male the cows and the horses was to bread paul said that's  where the money is.

We got all the animals in the fields it's a good job I have plenty of land with all these animals sucre and jay was making more pens out in the fields a very big one and some smaller ones for Betty and the cows we use for milking that way it frees  up Betty's massive field I didn't really do much as i have a baby to look after I took over cleaning the pens out i could take lucy with me i started just after I would feed and change her so she would sleep in her pram with all the animals we have it took me 4 hours a day to empty wash and redo the boys was happy as they got loads done in that time I was just happy it was in the shade its getting warmer on the farm.

Paul was coming over to check the horses and cows to see if they were pregnant he was hoping at least one horse was as we paid more money out for good horses so the babies would be worth more the boys was out in the fields as Paul got here Ellie you ready yes let's go I would pet and brush them as Paul did the scans and write things down when he was finished we went to the house to talk so do we have at least one baby yes everyone of them is pregnant with one baby each he says very happy, wow, its going to be a few months after the other animals go but that's great as we have more time for them i nod I tell the boys the news a few weeks had passed the animals was getting bigger I still did the pens sucre and jay was working 12 hour days as jay would take 2 days of then sucre did but sucre was still doing bits  if he wasn't at Megans he was dating her now I was so happy for him he was like a teenager. The animals took up so much time we have the lambs and piglets for 4 months them sell them that's when we pay the boys as the horses and cows take about 18 mouths from start to selling them that's next year's money the timing of all the animals was great we didn't have to deal with them all at the same time.

Baby lucy was a few months old she had just had her injections she was not a happy girl it was sucres  day of he took her for me to Megan's  with him I needed to work and this was not getting it done i started the minute he left so I would be done  he's a lifesaver i don't know what i would do without him he always asks me if hes in the way out staying his welcome truth is i would be lost without him now .

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