Old friends

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The next months went by so fast I got so close to jack and jay jay told his mum and she went mad she told him to leave he ended up moving in with Jack but people did start to boy cut the coffee shop I was so mad we don't live in the olden days jays mum said he could only go home if he stopped with this silliness and got a girlfriend I was mad as jacks coffee shop was going under with all the boy cuts this town needs to get a life I offered him money I didn't want it back he said no way we are family I did try saying yes so its ok a few more weeks went by i was eating at the coffee shop every day if I didn't know you Ellie I would think you was only eating here to help me out but I know you love my cooking I smile with a mouth full of food jays out of a job with him working with his mum the coffee shop is days from going under right im fed up of this i go see jays mum pam after saying what i think and asking her do you wanna lose your son i walk out i go back to the coffee shop we need to do a fun day get people back in i will plan it all it had to be soon i went all out go big or go home is what i go by it was a great day people came everyone came the till was ringing it was a big sucsess even jays mum came she told both the boys sorry and hugged me thanking me for the kick up the bum she needed the boys was so happy i did end up giving jack a loan he wasn't happy but he knew he had to he worked out the repayments and i told him not to start paying them for 4 months he has to get back on his feet  a bank was going to get 70 percent on top of the loan no way the money was just sat in bank.

Me and Megan had got so close she's like my sister as well as my best friend she comes to the hospital with me I think people think we are together I told her everything about been in prison she is medical staff so it's ok she does all my midwife appointments we found out im having a girl at Christmas time I can't wait I wish Lincoln was here but that's never going to happen i sit sometimes and wonder if he's ok what he's doing does he think of me but that just gets me more upset.

I went back to the prison the other day they was having a family day it's more for if you have kids but pope said it would be ok I walk in the gardens bend down behind stan and jake did you miss me they jump at my voice oh god ellie how are you what you doing here I missed you all i wanted to see you they took me to meet there wife's and kids Paul came up with his sexy girlfriend bob didnt come out i told them to say hi for me I was walking with paul your girlfriend is hot I know he says so tell me about you how's life, its ok i live on a farm I wanted the quiet life after here I just found out im having a girl Christmas time wow you've been busy we walk near the fence some of the prisoner was not allowed to come to this fun day but it was yard time I wanted to see if I could see tj and tyler it didn't take long for everyone to know i was here thanks to t bag he shouted hey come to this side of the fence  princess you missed us that much you come back everyone was looking not you t bag, tyler and tj came to the fence we got to chat for a bit they said they didnt think they would see me again i told them mates for life i love you all. Stan comes up with jake it means a lot you came back to see us of course I would I told them where I live if they ever get out I stand by if it wasnt for each of them I would be dead we say bye as im walking out bellick comes up so how's life out side these walls foods better he laughs is Sara back at work I would love to see her no last I know she is on the run with the brothers. 

I'm sat on my porch I still can't believe what bellick said  the other day about Sara im happy for her that must mean she's with Micheal  I look out to the fields Betty is happy eating grass I think I've spent hours just watching her paul is on his way to see me he said he needs a favour Gilbert is sat eating his food as Paul comes up hey Ellie would it be ok if I keep some animals here for a few months im looking into buying baby animals cheap then selling them on as adults they is a lot of money in it we could be partners if you want in I get them you look after them I sell them on we split the profit what animals lambs piglets and  cows, how much you need upfront 10.000 each  ok i will send you the money over thanks ellie we will make loads of this the next day i got woken up early to trucks pulling up I walk out still with bed head what you doing,  the animals are here go get dressed i will start putting them in the fields I nod go get dressed i walk back out with 2 coffees i didn't think you ment this early we had two feilds full of cute baby animals don't get all girly over them remember we sell them paul says, i know I know  but look how cute they are, the cows comes later are you ok to get the pens ready im going to drive get the cows yes  i will start now the lambs are in the fields but the piglets are on path its easyer to clean paul says i go to the pens i have loads of pens i put hay down in everyone of them the job i have is to get the animals out side in a morning clean the pens out redo the hay feed them with the cows milk Paul is going to show me how to milk a cow, we have the animals 4 months which will take me upto my due date which is good the animals would be gone he's doing all the running around and vet bills.

What happened to my quiet life I spend a lot of time with animals I keep the gates at the end of the drive locked now my friends have the code I get everything done in the morning for the animals and the pens washed out i let the cows out in Betty's field she was not happy at first but she's  ok now jay comes up every day at tea time to help me put the animals away they are getting bigger and im getting fatter its not working im lucky to have jay its not hard in a morning as they all run to the fields but getting them back in bed is a nightmare its a good job they are big  its getting cold its November the animals are going in a couple of weeks they are not cute any more they stink all i do is clean shit up all day.paul spends alot more time here to help out Megan gives him shit every time she see him saying im nearly 9 months pregnant.

I woke up late today I walk out on to the porch with my dressing gown on it's freezing but it's the first morning I get up to no animals I need to get sorted for the baby the animals wasn't hard work but I don't like leaving them if it wasn't for jay i dont know what I would of done. Paul has just come with my money of the animals we made  over 4 times  our money each i order everything i would need for the  baby paul said next year if we start early we would make more not sure how it would work with a baby. I get ready and go to the coffee shop I get my coffee as im talking to jay I pass him an envelop what's this your share  of the money I made on the animals, no Ellie I did it because your family not for the money I know but if it wasn't for you i couldn't of done it them animals was big and fat and Paul was saying next year we start early more animals more money so i will need you again i think paul forgets im having a baby we laugh as jack walks over jay tells him about the money and job offer jack said the job would be good as jay has always wanted to work with animals .

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